

单词 mental
释义 I. mental, a.1 and n.|ˈmɛntəl|
[a. F. mental, ad. late L. mentālis, f. ment-, mens mind: see -al1. Cf. Sp., Pg. mental, It. mentale.]
A. adj.
1. a. Of or pertaining to the mind.
mental aberration, mental alienation: see the ns.
c1425Hoccleve Min. Poems i. 203 But now y see with myn yen mental Thestat of al an-othir world than this.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. ii. iii. 184 'Twixt his mental and his active parts Kingdom'd Achilles in commotion rages.1667Milton P.L. xi. 418 The inmost seat of mental sight.1782V. Knox Ess. xv. (1819) I. 87 Mental food is also found..to..delight the longest, when it is not lusciously sweet.1802Med. Jrnl. VIII. 356 Avoid excess in eating, drinking, and in mental exertion.a1820T. Brown Lect. Philos. Human Mind I. 240 We shall now proceed to observe..the mental phenomena.1843Mill Logic II. vi. iv. 506 These differences of mental susceptibility..may be consequences of the previous mental history of those individuals.1874J. Sully Sensation & Intuition i. 7 To understand fully all the facts of a single mental history.1879Lindsay Mind Lower Anim. I. 56 The intelligence,..cunning, and other mental qualities of spiders are well known.1879W. James Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 139 Ever some vital factor of our mental life will rebel and refuse to be dragged the same way with the rest.1883F. H. Bradley Princ. Logic 182 If we say, ‘I wish S–P were a fact’,..the judgment..is concerned with nothing but my mental attitude.1890W. James Princ. Psychol. I. ii. 48 A most interesting effect of cortical disorder is mental blindness. This consists not so much in insensibility to optical impressions, as in inability to understand them.Ibid. II. xx. 205 Sounds certainly play a far more prominent part in the mental life of the blind than in our own.1892Anstey Voces Populi Ser. ii. 98 Too severe a mental strain to be frequently cultivated.1897C. H. Judd tr. Wundt's Outl. Psychol. 326 The law of mental growth is as little applicable to all contents of psychical experience as any other psychological law of development.1900Daily News 1 Aug. 5/7 His mental state was inherited from long-past generations.1919L. M. Terman Measurement of Intelligence i. 6 The large majority of these belong to the moron grade; that is, their mental development will stop somewhere..between 9 and 12.1921B. Russell Analysis of Mind i. 25, I should say that images belong only to the mental world.Ibid. iii. 68 Since Kant it has been customary to recognize three great divisions of mental phenomena, which are typified by knowledge, desire and feeling.Ibid. vi. 109 When you realize that you are glad to meet him, you acquire knowledge of a mental fact.Ibid. viii. 141 The sensation, as a mental event, will consist of awareness of the colour.1932Mind XLI. 137 A man whose whole life had been devoted to thought, and whose intense mental energy came out all the more clearly as his bodily powers declined.1936Discovery Jan. 22/2 Only in this way is it possible to render intelligible the mental attitude of the Chinese to other peoples.1949G. Ryle Concept of Mind i. 16, I shall probably be taken to be denying well-known facts about the mental life of human beings.Ibid. vi. 163 The argument, then, that mental events are authentic..must be rejected.1949R. G. Simpson Fund. Educ. Psychol. ii. 22 Growth of mental functions is not as easily traced as that of physical abilities, primarily because mental growth is composed of many characteristics.1958K. Lovell Educ. Psychol. & Children x. 127 The effects of training would be transferred from one mental function to another of the same type.1966Guardian 16 May 3/7 The students at Lancaster confess to a mental block about using nuclear weapons in any circumstances.1968J. A. Shaffer Philos. of Mind i. 5 The only evidence we have for the existence of these faculties is the existence of the very mental phenomena they were intended to explain.1969C. Hodder-Williams 98·4 iv. 41 Having a mental block about one's past is all right... Security work makes a virtue out of forgetting things.1970K. Campbell Body & Mind vi. 113 The new view allows, indeed requires, that mental states be causes.Ibid. 125 Mental objects such as images and dreams..resist being brought within the fold of Materialism.1973A. Kenny Wittgenstein viii. 142 When we hear a sentence in a language we know, there are mental events—feelings, images, etc.
b. (a) mental breakdown, mental deficiency, mental derangement, mental disease, mental disorder, mental handicap, mental illness, mental incapacity, mental retardation, mental subnormality, etc.: general terms indicating temporary or permanent impairments of the mind, due to heredity, birth injury, environment, or accident, which usually need special care; mental health, health of mind as distinct from physical health; mental hygiene, mental health; measures directed towards the preservation or improvement of mental health; (b) mental case, mental defective, mental incapable, mental patient, etc.: persons suffering from some kind of mental impairment; persons under medical care for mental illness; (c) mental home, mental hospital, mental institution, mental ward, etc.: places where those with mental disorders are confined or treated; (d) mental nurse, mental specialist, etc.: persons specializing in the treatment or care of those with mental disorders.
(a)1794H. L. Piozzi Brit. Synonymy II. 6 Phrenzy, madness and distraction are the poetical expressions of what we call mental derangement, or disordered spirits, in elegant conversation.1833Mill Lett. (1910) I. 38, I..am so far from being in better mental health than yourself, that I need sympathy quite as much.1839Poe Fall House of Usher in Burton's Gentleman's Mag. Sept. 150 And now, some days of bitter grief having elapsed, an observable change came over the features of the mental disorder of my friend.1848Geo. Eliot Let. c 14 May (1954) I. 261 Study mental hygiene—take long doses of ‘dolce far niente’.1856Educ. of Imbecile (Home for Invalid & Imbecile Children, Edinburgh) 11 His appearance and bearing gave evidence of great mental deficiency.1869Geo. Eliot Let. 21 Sept. (1956) V. 56, I have such a horror of a mental breakdown.1902B. Russell Let. in A. Wood B. Russell (1957) viii. 79 Since I finished my book, I have devoted myself to what you [sc. Beatrice Webb] would call mental hygiene, with good results so far. Beyond reading a mathematical MS. of Whitehead's, I have done no work for the last fortnight, but have spent my whole days out of doors basking in the return of summer.1904Lancet 27 Aug. 598/2 Scientific views regarding mental disease have..been undergoing great changes.Ibid. 17 Sept. 838/1 Those cases of mental incapacity arising from incipient or oncoming insanity.1907[see break-down 1 c].1908Lancet 12 Sept. 812/2 It was difficult..to secure effective treatment for early undeveloped cases of mental disorder.1913Act 3 & 4 Geo. V c. 28 (title) Mental Deficiency Act.1914W. B. Drummond tr. Binet & Simon's Mentally Defective Children ii. 16 Some heads of schools..have fixed to almost a year the mental retardation of the child as compared with normal children of the same age.1921C. L. Burt Mental & Scholastic Tests ii. 163 The central problem of this memorandum—the line of demarcation for mental deficiency.1946C. P. Blacker (title) Neurosis and the mental health services.1946Amer. Jrnl. Psychiatry CIII. 323/1 At the present time it cannot be said that we cure any of the more important and more fixed mental diseases.1957S. H. Kraines Mental Depressions xv. 422 The goal of such mental hygiene is to remove and correct those unhealthy attitudes which add to the physically based tension.1960Guardian 16 Mar. 4/6 The most important change in terminology made by the new Act [sc. Mental Health Act, 1959] is that the expressions ‘mental deficiency’ and ‘mental defectives’ should be abolished... ‘Mental disorder’ is introduced as a new term covering all forms of mental ill health.1962E. Cleaver in A. Dundes Mother Wit (1973) 10/2 The continued application of these judgments is the cause of an untold amount of mental illness and frustration.1964J. Tizard Community Services for Mentally Handicapped i. ii. 18 There is a statutory obligation placed upon the local authorities in Britain to ascertain cases of mental subnormality..and to make provision for them.1970‘T. Coe’ Wax Apple (1973) vi. 50, I automatically had felt superior. After all, I'd never had a mental breakdown.1970L. J. Karmel Measurement & Evaluation in School iii. vii. 182 Some states will use 75 or even 80 as the cut-off point for mental retardation.1971Rand Daily Mail 4 Sept. 2/1 Nothing he had heard in court suggested that Muller has ever had a mental disorder.1971Guardian 18 Oct. 10/3 Mental illness is an illness needing therapeutic treatment... Mental handicap..is an innate condition for which there is no cure.1972R. Quilty Tenth Session 58 A lifetime in mental-health nursing.1973Black World May 7/1 A crucial matter here is the role The Black Church can play in our mental hygiene and group advancement.1974Guardian 28 Jan. 6/7 The patient is no longer suffering from mental illness and..[should] be discharged.
(b)1899Pop. Sci. Monthly Apr. 747 (title) Mental defectives and social welfare.1904Lancet 17 Sept. 838/1 The Home Secretary..has at last been impressed with the total inadequacy of the provision made for..mental incapables.1908Ibid. 12 Sept. 813/2 Dr. W. C. S. Clapham..had many suspected mental cases sent to his out-patient department.1913E. Meynell Life F. Thompson 279 Many a time I've asked him to have his bit of lunch with me and the other ‘mental’—O yes, she's a mental case, as I may have told you.1922W. R. Inge in Edin. Rev. July 34 The Eugenics Education Society..actively supported the Act for the compulsory segregation of mental defectives.1938Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. July 37 The implications of Wiersma's results obtained from mental patients have therefore been shown to hold for normal subjects.1944H. G. Wells '42 to '44 182 The highly bred dogs are mostly physical and mental defectives.1970‘T. Coe’ Wax Apple (1973) iv. 33 The majority of mental patients who have been hospitalized once will be hospitalized several times more.1973‘D. Shannon’ No Holiday for Crime (1974) iv. 61 If you're going to say a mental patient, I don't think it was that kind of hospital.
(c)1898H. Morten Compl. Syst. Nursing 249 A year's training in a general hospital, and two years' training in a mental hospital, would be the proper scheme to turn out the best mental nurse.1908Lancet 26 Dec. 1943/1 (heading) Mental observation wards in Glasgow Parish Hospital.1928Daily Mail 25 July 8/3 One in ten of the people who reach the age of 40 in the State of New York will already have passed some time in a mental home or institution.1932Kipling Limits & Renewals 151 They pushed him into a Mental Home, And that is like the grave.1958‘N. Shute’ Rainbow & Rose v. 182 He had three young children and disliked the thought of bringing them up in the surroundings of a mental home.1964Penguin Bk. Austral. Ballads 18 The discharged mental-hospital patient..with a certificate to prove that he was sane.1970‘T. Coe’ Wax Apple (1973) ii. 17 The Midway was a haven for people recently out of mental institutions.1972R. Bloch Night-World (1974) viii. 49 The mental wards were like a prison, only worse.1974N. Freeling Dressing of Diamond 74 We're looking at every affair..linked to mental homes, prison releases..psychopathic anything.1974Guardian 24 Jan. 15/8 The ‘oriental girl’..had been led down from her ledge and taken off to mental hospital.
(d)1898[see sense 1 b (c) above].1922Lancet 5 Aug. 290/1 The two duties of mental nurses.1932Daily Tel. 25 Apr. 9/3 Dr. Caton, the eminent mental specialist,..has completed his findings of the state of Lt. Massie's mind at the time.
c. colloq. Mentally disordered or defective. Also in phr. to go mental, to become mentally disordered.
1927D. L. Sayers Unnatural Death iv. 41, I gather she was a little queer towards the end—a bit mental, I think you people [sc. nurses] call it?1930J. B. Priestley Angel Pavement ii. 68, I don't care if Mr. Dersingham goes mental, we're going to be lucky.1958‘N. Shute’ Rainbow & Rose iv. 151 Everybody goes a bit mental in a war.1959S. Gibbons Pink Front Door iv. 48 They had the same round eyes, only his hadn't got that almost mental look.1973‘J. Patrick’ Glasgow Gang Observed iii. 34 They must be mental... Shit-bags the lot o' them.1974N. Freeling Dressing of Diamond 65 There's somebody mental floating about.
2. Carried on or performed by the mind; taking place in the mind. mental arithmetic: the art of performing arithmetical operations within the mind, without the use of written figures or other visible symbols. mental reservation: see reservation.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 159 b, To..use y⊇ maner of prayer, whether it be mentall or vocall in y⊇ whiche he fyndeth moost swetnes.1651Hobbes Leviath. i. iii. 8 By Consequence,..I understand that succession of one Thought to another, which is called Mentall Discourse.1676Locke Jrnl. 26 Aug. in Ess. Law Nature (1954) 278 The thing to be believed was a proper object of faith and not of sense, a mental proposition, viz. that the God of the three children was the true God.1809–10Coleridge Friend (1865) 12 A lazy half-attention amounts to a mental yawn.1839J. P. Frost (title) A course of mental arithmetic, in three parts.1843Mill Logic I. i. iii. 66 His mental image..of the sun, and his idea of God, are thoughts.1850McCosh Div. Gov. iii. i. (1874) 287 The mental process..by which the distinction between vice and virtue is observed.1854Dickens Hard T. i. ix, She would burst into tears on being required (by the mental process) immediately to name the cost of two hundred and forty-seven muslin caps at fourteenpence halfpenny.1865Exam. Hamilton's Philos. vi. 72 The belief is without understanding, for we form no mental picture of what we believe.c1873W. James in R. B. Perry Tht. & Char. W. James (1935) I. 499 Under each and all of these formulations lurks the same mental act, that of insisting that things do not exist, so to speak, only once, but are in a manner duplicated.1880Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 161 This complex aggregate of afferent feelings..renders absolutely precise and distinctive our mental image of the exact strength of movement to be made.1882L. Stephen Sci. of Ethics vi. 231 And thus the same words may call up the mental images which would be generated in the most and in the least sympathetic witness.1889Mental arithmetic [see guessing vbl. n.].1921B. Russell Analysis of Mind i. 19 The whole question of the relation of mental occurrences to objects grows very complicated.Ibid. vi. 109 ‘Introspection’ is supposed to furnish data for knowledge of our mental processes.1925J. Riviere et al. tr. Freud's Coll. Papers IV. 14 In the psychology which is founded on psycho-analysis we have accustomed ourselves to take as our starting-point the unconscious mental processes.1932Mind XLI. 37 There are four corresponding ‘mental experiences’ (παθήµατα ἐν τῇ ψυχῇ, 511 D).1935C. L. Burt Subnormal Mind i. 41 The reading test and the mental arithmetic test..will yield a fair estimate of the child's educational level.1944J. S. Huxley On Living in Revolution iv. 56 The deliberate ‘mental operation’ of psycho⁓analysis or other form of psychotherapy.1949G. Ryle Concept of Mind 8 The logical categories in terms of which the concepts of mental..operations have been co-ordinated have been wrongly selected.Ibid. vii. 200 Stomach-aches..have physiological attachments which threaten to sully the purity of the brook of mental experiences.Ibid. viii. 254 In short, there are no such objects as mental pictures.1963R. Carnap in P. A. Schilpp Philos. R. Carnap 8 All mental processes are intimately connected with the brain.1971P. A. Chilton tr. Piaget & Inhelder's Mental Imagery in Child p. xiii, Having attempted to analyse some of the characteristics of perceptual development, it was necessary to go on to tackle the question of the evolution of mental images.1972W. C. Coe Challenges Personal Adjustment iv. 76 Mental telepathy is the transfer of thought from one person to another without overt communication.
3. Relating to the mind as an object of study; concerned with the phenomena of mind.
a1820T. Brown Lect. Philos. Human Mind I. 8 There is, in short, a science that may be termed mental physiology.1828G. Payne (title) Elements of Mental and Moral Science.1831T. C. Upham (title) Elements of Mental Philosophy.1860J. Martineau Ess. (1866) I. 248 Mental Science is Self-knowledge.
4. Characterized by the possession of mind, intellectual. rare.
1840B. E. Hill Pinch—of Snuff 96 Platonically enamoured of the beauteous, mental, and excellent wife to a very jealous moralist.
5. Special collocations: mental age, the degree of mental development of a person, expressed as the age at which a similar level is attained by an average person; mental chemistry Psychol., J. S. Mill's term for the psychological processes by which complex ideas, sensations, etc., are formed from an aggregate of simple ones; mental cruelty, conduct which inflicts suffering on the mind of another person, esp. U.S. as constituting grounds for legal separation or divorce; mental healing, healing effected solely by the mind of the healer; so mental healer; mental ratio = intelligence quotient (s.v. intelligence n. 8); mental set, the set (set n.1 12) or predisposition of the mind which governs reactions to stimuli; mental test = intelligence test; so mental tester, mental testing; mental year, the average mental attainment of each year of growth, used as a unit of measurement of mental development.
1912Pedagogical Seminary XIX. 189 Table I. *Mental Ages..showing the chronological and mental age distribution of the two thousand public school children graded by the Binet tests.1919L. M. Terman Measurement of Intelligence iii. 40 A mentally defective child of 9 years may have a ‘mental age’ of only 4 years, or a young genius of 9 years may have a mental age of 12 or 13 years.1937‘M. Innes’ Hamlet, Revenge! iii. iii. 259 His mental age's about eight.1972J. Aiken Died on Rainy Sunday 88 Really Ellie is a child, she thought; in some ways her mental age can't be more than twelve or thirteen.
1843Mill Logic II. vi. iv. 503 These therefore are cases of *mental chemistry: in which it is proper to say that the simple ideas generate, rather than that they compose, the complex ones.1890W. James Princ. Psychol. II. xx. 202 Discrimination, association, [etc.]..are quite capable of giving us all the space-perceptions we have so far studied, without the aid of any mysterious ‘mental chemistry’.1929W. McDougall Mod. Materialism v. 119 J. S. Mill's use of the expression ‘mental chemistry’ had suggested some analogy between such mental and such physical syntheses.1948R. S. Woodworth Contemp. Schools Psychol. (ed. 2) iii. 44 This idea of a ‘mental chemistry’ reappeared from time to time in later psychological theories.
1928Harper's Mag. July 159/1 The Nevada laws..necessitate a minimum of fraud... The judges demand very slight evidence to prove *mental cruelty. A woman may obtain her freedom on the ground that her husband has..told her to go to hell once too often.1936M. Allingham Flowers for Judge vii. 125 Not a care in the world except Mr. Brande's neglect and mental cruelty to her.1967R. S. Master Elem. Psychiatry xx. 398 The petitioner has to prove..that the spouse can differentiate between right and wrong and understand the nature of the mental cruelty.1968Globe & Mail (Toronto) 17 Feb. 29/1 The third wife of wealthy playboy John Jacob Astor III was granted a divorce yesterday on grounds of mental cruelty.
1920in Webster, *Mental healer.1957O. Nash You can't get there from Here 67 The characters in many of our popular songs are fair game for the nearest mental healer.1970T. S. Szasz Ideology & Insanity (1973) xiii. 240 The precise activities of the various ‘mental healers’ are rarely defined by their practitioners.
1888L. E. Whipple (title) *Mental healing.1902W. James Var. Relig. Exper. iv. 121 Their savage and primitive philosophy of mental healing.1924Galsworthy White Monkey I. xii. 100 No need of any of these vitamins, false teeth, mental healing.
1921C. L. Burt Mental & Scholastic Tests ii. 151 If a child's mental age be divided by his chronological age, the quotient will state what fraction of ability the child actually possesses...This fraction may be termed..the child's ‘intelligence quotient’ or, more euphoniously.., his ‘*mental ratio’.1927A. Huxley Proper Stud. 67 A mental ratio is obtained by dividing the child's mental by his chronological age.1934Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. Jan. 312 Not all candidates with high mental ratios succeed.
1913E. L. Thorndike Educ. Psychol. II. xii. 356 In the case of alternative systems of bonds there is then often an inhibition for a time, reducing to zero as the two systems of bonds get organized in connection with two systems of *mental sets.1922R. S. Woodworth Psychol. iv. 72 Much used also are ‘adjustment’ and ‘mental set’, the idea here being to liken the individual to an adjustable machine which can be set for one or another set of work.1934H. C. Warren Dict. Psychol. 164/2 Mental set,..the attitude or determination of an individual before receiving an expected stimulus or with reference to a problem or general situation.1953Jrnl. Exper. Psychol. XLVI. 50 The aspect of directed thinking commonly called ‘mental set’.1963J. Lyons Structural Semantics ii. 35 He [sc. the hearer] must be thought of as being in a certain state of ‘expectancy’ (or ‘mental set’), in which he is disposed to hear certain units rather than others.
1890J. M. Cattell in Mind XV. 373 Psychology cannot attain the certainty and exactness of the physical sciences, unless it rests on a foundation of experiment and measurement. A step in this direction could be made by applying a series of *mental tests and measurements to a large number of individuals.1934H. C. Warren Dict. Psychol. 165/1 Mental test.1958M. Argyle Relig. Behaviour vi. 58 A child's mental age is the average chronological age of children showing the same degree of intelligence, as measured by mental tests.1972L. S. Hearnshaw in Cox & Dyson 20th-Cent. Mind I. vii. 234 Francis Galton..attempted..to devise techniques for measuring intelligence. These techniques were christened ‘mental tests’ by the American psychologist, J. M. Cattell, in 1890.
1952Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. Feb. 23 When the subjects are in full sympathy..but the *mental tester rarely has such a favourable situation.
1959Chambers's Encycl. XII. 655/1 *Mental testing began with the testing of intelligence (i.e. of general intellectual capacity).
1921C. L. Burt Mental & Scholastic Tests ii. 147 The estimate for the intelligence of every child has been converted into terms of *mental years.1942F. J. Schonell Backwardness in Basic Subjects iv. 74 Rene C. was, in arithmetic, almost two mental years ahead of her achievements in reading.
B. n.
a. pl. nonce-use. Intellectual faculties. Obs.
b. pl. nonce-use. Mental reservations. Obs.
1676Phil. Trans. XI. 554 The intrinsick mentals or intellectuals of Mankind.1712Arbuthnot John Bull iv. iv, Hast thou laid aside all thy equivocals and mentals in this case?
c. colloq. A mentally-deranged person; a mental patient.
1913[see 1 b (b) above].1937Partridge Dict. Slang 517/1 Mental, a person mentally deranged, mad.1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §529/16 Mental, nut, psycho, psychot, a psychopathic case.1973F. De Felitta Oktoberfest (1974) xiv. 162 ‘What's to prevent him from going?’ ‘He is a mental.’
II. mental, a.2|ˈmɛntəl|
[a. F. mental, f. L. ment-um chin: see -al1.]
Pertaining to the chin.
1727Bailey vol. II, Mental, belonging to the Chin.1829Bell Anat. & Physiol. I. 159 The second hole in the lower jaw..is named the mental hole.1836–9Todd's Cycl. Anat. II. 213/2 This line terminates below in a triangular eminence (the mental process).1866Huxley in Preh. Rem. Caithn. 91 The lower jaw has a well developed mental prominence.
b. Zool. Pertaining to or situated on the mentum.
1853Baird & Girard Catal. N. Amer. Reptiles Introd. 7 The inframaxillary or mental scutellæ or shields.1855Gosse in Phil. Trans. CXLVI. 424, I shall call..the anterior termination of the venter, the mental edge.1890Coues Field & Gen. Ornithol. ii. 144 Mental or gular lines.




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