

单词 mesaraic
释义 mesaraic, a. and n. Anat.|mɛsəˈreɪɪk|
Forms: 5 miseraic, -ayke, -ak, 6 -aike, mes(s)erayke, 7 mesairaick, meserai(c)k, -aique, -iacke, miseraick, 7–8 mesaraick(e, 7–9 meseraic, (9 erron. mesaræic), 8– mesaraic.
[ad. med.L. mesaraïcus, a. Gr. µεσαραϊκός, f. µεσάραιον mesaræum.]
A. adj. Of or pertaining to the mesentery; = mesenteric.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 27 Veynis miserak ben smale veynes þat comen out of þe veyne þat is clepid porta.1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. H iij b, To brynge the Chilus to the lyuer by meanes of the veynes mescraykes [sic].1615Crooke Body of Man 104 Duodenum, Ieiunum, and Ileon,..are easily distinguished by their scituation, length, and by their Meseraick veines.1651Biggs New Disp. ⁋117 Scammony..and vitriol do equally liquate the mesaraick bloud.1831R. Knox Cloquet's Anat. 786 Its veins [sc. of the pancreas] pour their contents..into the small mesaraic and splenic veins.1869Huxley Introd. Classif. Anim. 139 Meseraic = mesenteric. The omphalo-meseraic vessels pass from the intestine to the umbilical vesicle in the embryo.
B. n. One of the mesaraic veins.
1528Paynel Salerne's Regim. D ij b, Whiche departeth to the lyuer by þe veines called miseraikes.1615T. Tomkis Albumazar i. i. B 1 b, And what they [sc. the guts] spare, The meseraicks filch, and lay't i'th liver.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. ii. v. §3. 85 At the mouthes of the miseraicks.1836–9Todd's Cycl. Anat. II. 43/1 The venous sinus gives out..the mesaraics to the under surface of the cœca.




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