

单词 meseta
释义 meseta|meˈseta|
[Sp., dim. of mesa mesa, f. L. mēnsa a table.]
A plateau; spec. the high plateau of central Spain. Also attrib.
1904T. H. Holdich Countries of King's Award xiii. 366 The moraines streak the surface of the ‘mesetas’, which here represent the beds of ancient lakes and are disposed more or less in the form of terraces.1905Spectator 28 Jan. 112/2 The region of the Patagonian Andes..presents a jumble of mountains, rivers, ‘mesetas’, ‘pampas’, forests, and glaciers.1958Fisher & Bowen-Jones Spain i. ii. 20 By far the largest proportion of Spain is occupied by the Meseta, which, however, is far from being a uniform mass. It is best regarded as comprising two enormous table⁓lands, or upland basins, which are separated by a diagonally-running fold mountain series.1962R. Way Geogr. Spain & Portugal xiii. 257 The peasants..have long journeys to make by mule or ox before they begin their day's work, and then have to endure the vagaries of the meseta climate, particularly strong winds.1963Guardian 13 July 6/4 The regions of the high meseta—the Castiles, Aragon, Leon, and Estremadura.1969J. Mander Static Society ii. 81 The landscape resembles..the meseta of Spain.




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