

单词 Messiah
释义 Messiah|mɪˈsaɪə|
Forms: α. 4 Messie, 4–5 Messye, 5 Messy, Messe, Myssye; β. 3 Messyas, 4–8 Messias; γ. 7 Messiah.
[The α forms are a. F. Messie, ad. L. (Vulg.) Messīās, a. Gr. Μεσσῑ́ᾱς, ad. Aramaic m'shīḥā, Heb. māshīa anointed (in the LXX rendered Χριστός, Christ), f. māshaḥ to anoint. These forms do not occur in any Eng. transl. of the Bible, though common in other literature down to the 15th c. The form Messias was used in John i. 41 and iv. 25 (the only passages in which the word is found in the Gr. or Latin N.T.) by Wyclif after the Vulgate, and by later translators from 1526 to 1611 directly after the Greek. The form Messiah, invented by the translators of the Geneva Bible of 1560, is an alteration of the traditional Messias, intended to give it a more Hebraic aspect (the translators having on principle eliminated the Græcized forms of proper names from the O.T., though retaining them in the N.T.). In the Bible of 1611 it was adopted in Dan. ix. 25, 26, and although it occurs in no other passage of the ‘Authorized Version’, it eventually became the only current form. The Revisers of 1880–84 have substituted it for Messias in the two N.T. passages, but on the other hand have removed it from its original place in Dan. ix, where they read ‘the anointed’.]
The Hebrew title (= ‘anointed’) applied in the O.T. prophetic writings to a promised deliverer of the Jewish nation, and hence applied to Jesus of Nazareth as the fulfilment of that promise. (Chiefly preceded by the or defining word, exc. in the three Bible passages and sometimes in poetry, where it is treated as a proper name.) Hence transf., an expected liberator or saviour of an oppressed people or country. (Written with capital M.)
α13..Propr. Sanct. (Vernon MS.) in Archiv Stud. neu. Spr. LXXXI. 87/152 Andrew þenne to Symound tolde: ‘Messye we ha founde’.a1400Morte Arth. 3998 Here I make myn avowe,..To Messie, and to Marie.1430–40Lydg. Bochas ix. i. 20 b, Sayd openly that he was Messy.c1500Cov. Corpus Chr. Plays i. 425 Yt ys seyd..That of the lyne of Jude Schuld spryng a right Messe.
β [c1000Ags. Gosp. John i. 41 We ᵹemetton messiam þæt is ᵹereht crist.]c1275Woman of Samaria 55 in O.E. Misc. 85 Louerd heo seyde nv quiddeþ men þat cumen is Messyas.1382Wyclif John i. 41 We han founde Messias, that is interpretid Crist. [So all later versions down to 1611.]1595B. Barnes Spir. Sonn. x, Heavenly Messias! sweete anointed King!1644Howell Eng. Teares (1645) 181 To beat Religion into brains with a Pole axe, is to make Moloch of the Messias.1681–6J. Scott Chr. Life (1747) III. 531 Therefore do the modern Jews say, that the Messias is not yet come.
γ1560Bible (Genev.) Dan. ix. 25 From the going forthe of the commandement..to builde Ierusalem, vnto Messiah the prince...26 And after thre score & two wekes, shal Messiah be slayne. [So 1611.]1653Milton Ps. ii. 6 Against the Lord and his Messiah dear.1666Dryden Ann. Mirab. cxiv, The wily Dutch, who, like fallen angels, feared This new Messiah's coming.a1716South Serm. (ed. 6) III. 299 All pretended false Messiahs vanish'd upon the Appearance of Christ the true one.1776J. Adams in Fam. Lett. (1876) 158 We are waiting, it is said, for Commissioners; a messiah that will never come.1821Shelley Hellas notes 57 The Greeks expect a Saviour from the West. It is reported that this Messiah had arrived..in an American brig.
attrib.1850Carlyle Latter-d. Pamph. iv. 5 A People whose bayonets were sacred, a kind of Messiah People, saving a blind world in its own despite.




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