

单词 metabolism
释义 metabolism|mɛˈtæbəlɪz(ə)m|
[f. Gr. µεταβολή change + -ism.]
1. Biol. and Chem. The process, in an organism or a single cell, by which nutritive material is built up into living matter (constructive metabolism, anabolism), or by which protoplasm is broken down into simpler substances to perform special functions (destructive metabolism, catabolism); the rate at which the body functions over all; the sum of the chemical changes undergone in the body by any particular substance.
1878Foster Phys. Introd. 2 The protoplasm is continually undergoing chemical change (metabolism).1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 154 In the accession of fever increased metabolism precedes rise of temperature.1951A. Grollman Pharmacol. & Therapeutics iii. 77 Metabolism of alcohol..proceeded at about the same rate irrespective of whether the subjective was at rest or engaged in muscular activity.1962A. Pirie (title) Lens metabolism in relation to cataract.1966Wright & Symmers Systemic Path. II. xxxi. 1098/1 Thyroid hormone stimulates metabolism, increases oxygen consumption, and causes a rise in heat production.1968Passmore & Robson Compan. Med. Studies I. xxxi. 1/1 The liver holds a key place in the metabolism of the body.1969J. H. Green Basic Clin. Physiol. xvii. 96/1 If the thyroid gland is underactive (hypothyroidism),..there will be a reduction in the body's metabolism.1971B. N. La Du et al. (title) Fundamentals of drug metabolism and drug disposition.1972Internat. Jrnl. Biochem. III. 294 (heading) An anti-anabolic role of adenosine 3′, 5′-cyclic monophosphate in the control of liver metabolism.
2. Theol. A term proposed to describe the views of some early fathers upon the Eucharist (see quot.).
1880McClintock & Strong Cycl. Bibl. Lit., Metabolism is a term coined by..Rückert to describe the doctrinal views of..Ignatius, Justin, and Irenæus on the Lord's Supper. They stand midway between strict transubstantiation and the merely symbolical view.




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