

单词 meth-
释义 meth-|mɛθ|
used as comb. form of methyl before a vowel in a few chemical names, as ˈmethacrylic acid, 1-methylacrylic acid, CH2:C(CH3)COOH, a colourless compound melting at 15°C, which polymerizes when distilled and which is used in the manufacture of methacrylate resins; so meˈthacrylate, (a) a salt of methacrylic acid; (b) any of the esters of methacrylic acid, some of which are used in making resins by polymerization (see methyl methacrylate s.v. methyl c); meˈthoxide, (a salt of) the anion CH3O-, derived from methanol.
1865Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XVIII. 142 Ethylic methacrylate is readily decomposed by boiling alcoholic potash.Ibid., Silver methacrylate is best obtained pure by precipitating ammonium methacrylate with nitrate of silver.1936Industr. & Engin. Chem. Mar. 269/1 The monomeric methacrylates cannot be stored or transported with safety.1962Economist 6 Oct. 74/3 An airdrying paint (based on methacrylates) has been used..for several years.1964G. H. Haggis et al. Introd. Molecular Biol. iv. 91 (caption) A thin section preparation showing T2 bacteriophage infection of E. coli bacteria (osmium tetroxide fixation and methacrylate embedding technique..).
1865Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XVIII. 142 Methacrylic acid is a colourless oil, which..possesses a faint odour, like pyrogallic acid.1889G. M'Gowan tr. Bernthsen's Text-bk. Org. Chem. 166 Meth-acrylic acid..is found in small quantity in Roman camomile oil, and smells like decaying mushrooms.1972Materials & Technol. IV. xii. 428 Technical production of methacrylic acid employs the oxidation of isobutene by a mixture of nitric acid and nitrogen dioxide to hydroxyisobutyric acid, which is then dehydrated.
1885Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XLVIII. 1031 Anhydrous sodium methoxide, NaOMe, was prepared by heating the solution [of sodium in methyl alcohol] at 180–200° in a current of dry hydrogen.1934Ibid. 1204 The agreement between the values for the mobility of the methoxide ion is fair.1965New Scientist 26 Aug. 513/3 Ordinary methyl alcohol is sufficiently acidic to form salts with alkali metals like sodium and potassium, the ‘methoxides’, whose general formula is CH3O-M+ (where M+ is any metal ion).




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