

单词 methely
释义 I. ˈmethely, a. Obs.
[OE. mǽþlic: see methe n. and -ly1.]
Moderate, proper, suitable.
958Will in Thorpe Charters 509 ᵹif hwilc forwyrht man hiowan ᵹesæce, bio se þingad swa hit medlic sio be þæs geltes meðe.a1035Cnut's Secular Laws c. 71 (Lieberm.) Beon þa hereᵹeata..swa hit mæðlic si.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 63 Meðeliche eting and drinking aȝen to temien þe lichames orguil.
b. Of medium stature. (Cf. meetly a.)
c1425Eng. Conq. Irel. 98 Meyler was a man..of body, somdel more than methlych, ful stalwarth, wel I-brested.
II. ˈmethely, adv. Obs.
[OE. mǽþlíce, f. prec.: see -ly2.]
Moderately, temperately; meekly.
c1000ælfric Gram. xxxviii. (Z.) 236 Humane and humaniter mæðlice oððe mennisclice.c1250Gen. & Ex. 1758 Ðus meðelike spac ðis em.c1425Eng. Conq. Irel. 76 His maner was euer-more to hold hym methelyche.




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