

单词 middenerd
释义 ˈmiddenerd Obs.
Forms: 1 middanᵹeard, -eard, 2 middanerd, middennard, midenarde, 3 middæn eard, middeneard, middenerd, middenherde, myddenerd.
[OE. middanᵹeard (later -eard by association with eard dwelling, erd), corresp. to OHG. mittingart, Goth. midjungards. The exact formation is obscure, but the elements are OTeut. *miđjo- mid a. + *garđo-z enclosure, tract, yard. Cf. ON. miðgarðr Midgard, OS. mittilgard, OHG. mittigart and mittilgart; also middle-erd.
According to Brugmann, the first element is OTeut. *miđjumo-, superlative of *miđjo- mid a.: cf. midmost.]
The world; the earth as situated between heaven and hell; also, the inhabitants of the earth.
Beowulf 75 Maniᵹre mæᵹþe ᵹeond þisne middanᵹeard.c1000Ags. Gosp. John iv. 42 We witon þæt he is soþ middan-eardes hælynd.a1175Cott. Hom. 225 Ic wille senden flod ofer alne middennard.c1205Lay. 24778 Whar þu þat mod nime a þisse middenerde.c1275Passion our Lord 478 in O.E. Misc. 50 Hit wes welneyh mydday þo þusternesse com In alle Middenherde fort þet hit wes non.Ibid. 544 Iesus crist..com in-to þis myddenerd sunfulle men to ryhte.




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