

单词 midward
释义 ˈmidward, a., n., adv. and prep.
Forms: 1 middeweard (as n. -wearde), -wærd, -ward, -weard, 2 middewarðe, 4 mydwarde, pl. myddwardis, 4–5 Sc. mydwart, 4–6 midwarde, 5 pl. midwardis, 5–6 mydward, 4– midward.
[OE. middeweard: see mid a. + -ward. Cf. MDu. middewaert. (The 12th c. form middewarðe may be a misreading for middewardre dat. fem.)]
A. adj.
1. In partitive concord: The middle of. Obs.
After OE. only preceded by in; the definite article, when used, was placed between the adj. and n. In midward as thus used has the appearance of being a prepositional phrase governing the n.: cf. amidward, emidward.
c893K. ælfred Oros. ii. vi. §1 æfter þæm Eufrate þa ea, seo is mæst eallra ferscra wætera, & is irnende þurh middewearde Babylonia burᵹ.c1175Lamb. Hom. 43 Seoðþan he him sceawede and stude inne midde-warðe helle.a1300Cursor M. 655 Bot yhon tre cum þou nawight to, Þat standes in midward paradis.c1325K. Horn 590 (Laud MS.), Ich sal do pruesce, For þe lef wyt schelde, In mide⁓ward þe felde.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 6319 ‘Als a litel spark of fire’, says he, ‘In mydward þe mykel se, Right swa alle a mans wykkednes Un-to þe mercy of God es’.
2. Occupying the middle. Obs. exc. arch.
a1300Cursor M. 9921 (Cott.) Þe midward heu es þat i mene.c1375Ibid. 764 (Fairf.) Of al þe trees [we ete] bot of ane, þe midwarde tree ys vs out-tane.1876Morris Sigurd (1877) 2 The midward time and the fading, and the last of the latter days.
B. n. The middle, the middle part. Obs.
c1000Ags. Ps. xxi. 15 (Lamb.) On middeweardan innoþes mines in medio ventris mei.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 9664 God ys shapper of alle þyng, He wote þe mydwarde, and þe endyng.1375Barbour Bruce iii. 682 Ane ile..may weill in mydwart be Betwuix Kyntyr and Irland.c1400Beryn 2759 In mydward of this gardyn stant a feire tre.c1450Lovelich Grail xl. 550 But as In the Midwardis, vndirstonde þou here, that whanne he Cam to his Middyl Age, he wax A man bothe sad and Sage.c1470Henry Wallace vi. 503 Als mony syne in the mydwart put he.1505in Mem. Hen. VII (Rolls) 231 The fashion of her nose is a little rising in the midward.c1550R. Bieston Bayte Fortune B j b, Yf thou were in Tems in midwarde of the sande.
C. adv. In the middle. Obs.
c1470Henry Wallace v. 920 Off kyn he was, and Wallace modyr ner, Off Craufurd syd that mydward had to ster.
D. prep. In the middle of. Obs. exc. arch.
a1300Cursor M. 1032 Midward þat land a wel springes.1817Scott Harold v. ii, Midward their path, a rock of granite grey From the adjoining cliff had made descent.




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