

单词 miscall
释义 miscall, v.|mɪsˈkɔːl|
Also 8 miscal.
[mis-1 1.]
1. trans. To call by a wrong name; to give a wrong name to; to misname. Often with compl.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xix. cxxviii. (1495) 936 A vessell wyth fowre fete is myscallyd Trisilis.1593Shakes. Rich II, i. iii. 263 Gau. Call it a trauell that thou tak'st for pleasure. Bul. My heart will sigh, when I miscall it so, Which findes it an inforced Pilgrimage.1650J. Hall Paradoxes 49 Suppose you miscall happinesse content.1697T. Brown Dispensary ii. Wks. 1709 III. ii. 80 Lest I should mis-call you, and not give you your right Title.1742Richardson Pamela III. 185 That violent Passion which we mad young Fellows are apt to miscal Love.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 216 The Partridge of New England is the Pheasant of Pennsylvania, but is mis-called in both places.1812H. & J. Smith Rej. Addr., Theatre 14 No room for standing, miscall'd standing room.1822T. L. Peacock Maid Marian xii. 165 No one shall miscall a forester. He who call Robin Robert of Huntingdon..or..Marian Matilda Fitzwater [etc.].a1853Robertson Lect. & Addr. ii. (1858) 59 One of those miserable publications miscalled religious.1886Gurney, etc. Phantasms of Living II. 2 His..explanation..depended on his miscalling his experience, and referring it to the class of dreams.
b. To misread, mispronounce. dial.
1853W. Cadenhead Bon Accord 205 (E.D.D.) Woe to the loun that a word wad misca'.1866Gregor Banffsh. Gloss., Misca'..(2) To read imperfectly.1881C. M. Yonge Lads & Lasses Langley iv. 146 He no sooner opened his mouth to read than half-a-dozen hands were held out, in token that he had miscalled a word.
2. To call by a bad name; to call (a person) names; to revile, abuse, malign. Now dial.
c1449Pecock Repr. v. xv. 563 Thei not oonli scornen it [sc. the sacrament of the altar], but thei haaten it, mys callen it bi foule names.1596Spenser F.Q. iv. viii. 24 Whom she [sc. Slander] with leasings lewdly did miscall And wickedly backbite.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 124 They deserved to be..punished, for so miscalling and reviling him.1643Sir T. Browne Relig. Med. (1656) ii. §4 By opprobrious Epithets we miscall each other.1725Ramsay Gentle Sheph. i. i, She..Misca'd me first, then bade me hound my dog.1789Burns Capt. Grose's Peregr. x, Whae'er o' thee shall ill suppose, They sair misca' thee.1866Reade G. Gaunt (ed. 2) II. xvi. 313, I can't bear any man on earth to miscall her but myself.1872Routledge's Ev. Boy's Ann. 6/2 Here's Kathleen and Susy been miscallin' me dreadful.
Hence misˈcalling vbl. n. Also misˈcaller.
1690Locke Hum. Und. iv. iv. §9 Miscalling of any of those Ideas..hinders not, but that we may have certain..Knowledge of their several Agreements and Disagreements.1816Scott Antiq. xii, A' the slights and taunts that hurt ane's spirit mair nor downright misca'ing.1866Gregor Banffsh. Gloss., Misca'er, one who reads imperfectly; as, ‘He's an unco' misca'er fin he reads’.1884A. A. Putnam 10 Yrs. Police Judge xvii. 171 The miscalled threw a clothes-pin and hit the miscaller somewhere.




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