

单词 miscount
释义 I. misˈcount, n.
[mis-1 4. Cf. OF. mescont, mesconte.]
A wrong count, reckoning, or calculation.
1586J. Hooker Descr. Irel. in Holinshed II. 49/1 Aswell in the miscount of yeares as other vnlikelihoods found therein.1637Rutherford Lett. (1664) lix. 132 O that he would take his own blood for counts & miscounts, that I might be a free man, & none had any claim to me, but onely, onely Jesus.1897Daily News 13 May 5/3 The Speaker has, owing to a miscount, been compelled to give a casting vote.1903Fluff-Hunters 137 She knew how many beans make five, and never made a miscount.
II. misˈcount, v.
[mis-1 1. But cf. OF. mesconter, mod.F. (se) mécompter.]
1. trans. To miscalculate, misreckon.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII, 124 In their computacion they had mistaken and miscounted in their nomber an hundreth yeres.1611Cotgr., Mesconté, misreckoned, miscompted.1646Rutherford Lett. 9 Jan. (1664) 537 Christ cannot miscount one of the poorest of his lambs.1793Tour thro' Theat. War 47 A man less wretched might easily miscount time, and so did he.1816Scott Antiq. xli, After twice miscounting the sum, he threw the whole to his daughter.
2. intr. ( also refl., after Fr.) To make a wrong calculation.
1390Gower Conf. I. 147 And if so be that he misconteth, To make in his answere a faile.1530Palsgr. 637/1 Tell it agayne, you have myscounted your selfe, I warrant you.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 1045 These philosophers doe miscount greatly, and stray farre from reason and proportion.., if so be that Geometricall demonstrations do availe ought.1659Bp. Patrick Div. Arith. (1660) 6 Thus do all men generally miscount in the dayes of their health.1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. v. 131 The trouble in going up [the steps], makes one often miscount.1840Whewell Philos. Induct. Sci. I. 133 In such a case we may forget in the intervals of the strokes, and miscount.
a. To estimate wrongly. Obs.
b. To regard erroneously (as).
a1684Leighton Comm. 1 Pet. ii. 17 (1693) 393 Men miscount themselves at home, they reckoning that they ought to be regarded.1847Tennyson Princess iv. 315 While my honest heat Were all miscounted as malignant haste.




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