

单词 mis-speech
释义 mis-ˈspeech
[mis-1 4.]
a. Evil speaking. Obs.
b. Incorrect speaking.
c1350Will. Palerne 1523 Þan meliors mekly hire maydenes dede calle, & many of hire meyne for drede of misse⁓speche.1390Gower Conf. I. 178 And otherwise of no mispeche, Mi conscience forto seche, I can noght of Envie finde That I mispoke have oght behinde Wherof love owghte be mispaid.a1461Songs & Carols 15th C. (Warton Club) 1 Rewle thi tunge in swych a gys, That non mysspeche come the froo.1496Dives & Pauper (W. de W.) ii. i. 109/2 Goddes name is taken in vayne..by myslyuynge, by myspeche, & by mysherynge.1895Atlantic Monthly Mar. 432 Another form of misspeech, to which most of us are..subject,—the exchange of syllables.




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