

单词 mistithe
释义 misˈtithe, v. Obs.
Also pa. pple. 3 misiteoðeget, 4 mys-i-teyþed.
[mis-1 1.]
a. intr. To be dishonest in paying tithes.
b. trans. To pay tithes wrongly upon.
a1225Ancr. R. 208 Mis-iteoðeget [v.r. tiheðe mis, teouðen mis], etholden cwide, oðer fundles, oðer lone.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 309 Alle þo þat mystiþen ony goodis ben cruely cursed.a1450Myrc 950 Hast þou wyth-holden any teyþynge, Or mys-I-teyþed?




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