

单词 mixed
释义 I. mixed, a. Obs.
[f. mix n.1 + -ed2.]
Foul, polluted.
c1300Havelok 2533 Þat fule traytour, that mixed cherl.
II. mixed, mixt, ppl. a.|mɪkst|
[Originally mixt, a. F. mixte (in the AF. law phrase accioun mixte in Britton c 1290: see sense 1 below), ad. L. mixtus: see mix v. The word having the appearance of an Eng. pple in -t, which would regularly have an alternative form in -ed (cf. blest, blessed, vext, vexed), the form mixed (myxyd) came very early into use, and ultimately gave rise to the formation of the vbs. mix and mixt.
The spelling mixt in the 17th c. is prob. in most instances merely phonetic, but may sometimes indicate that the writer apprehended the word as an adoption of L. mixtus rather than as the pple. of an Eng. vb. In recent use this spelling sometimes occurs (Hist.) in the legal sense 1, but otherwise it is confined to writers who advocate spelling reform.]
1. Law. Formerly applied to an action which partook at once of the nature of a real and of a personal action: see personal 6 a.
With the abolition of real actions (see personal a. 6), mixed actions necessarily came to an end.
1448[see personal a. 6].1535Act 27 Hen. VIII, c. 26 §4 Al actions personals..and al actions mixte..shall be sued by originall writte.c1610Bacon Case Post-nati Scotl. (1641) 12 But for free-hold, or lease, or actions reall, or mixt: he is not inabled, except [etc.].1768Blackstone Comm. III. 228 This action of waste is a mixed action; partly real, so far as it recovers land, and partly personal, so far as it recovers damages.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) V. 532 In pleas real or mixt.1888T. C. Williams in Law Q. Rev. IV. 398 Mixed actions partook of the nature both of real and personal actions.
2. a. Mingled or blended together; formed by the mingling of different substances, individuals, etc.
1557–8T. Phaer æneid vi. Q iv b, Thou hedlong threwst thyself on myxyd heapes of enmyes slain.1611Bible Prov. xxiii. 30 They that tarry long at the wine, they that goe to seeke mixt wine.1663Gerbier Counsel g iv, A Building, either made of stone, brick, or mixt.1696Lond. Gaz. No. 3160/4 Stolen..6 Pieces Northern brown mixt Clothes.1742Young Nt. Th. v. 260 With mixt manure she surfeits the rank soil.1747Wesley Prim. Physic (1755) p. xv, Abstain from all Mixt, all High-season'd Food.1861[F. W. Robinson] No Church II. 238 A plate of mixed biscuits.1869Boutell Arms & Arm. viii. (1874) 124 Armies..composed of mixed bands of mercenary soldiers.
b. Compounded of (different ingredients).
1622Bacon Holy War Ep. Ded., Therefore I haue chosen an Argument, mixt of Religious and Ciuill Considerations; And likewise mixt between Contemplatiue and Actiue.1639R. Gentilis Servita's Inquis. (1676) 840 This is the beginning in Venice of the Office of the Inquisition mixed of Secular and Ecclesiastical Persons.a1716South Serm. (1823) II. 14 With an odd kind of passion, mixed of pleasure and envy too.1742Young Nt. Th. viii. 819 Nature..drinks to man, in her nectareous cup, Mixt up of delicates for ev'ry sense.1883R. W. Dixon Mano i. xi. 33 This story mixed of spiteful falsity My wicked daughter gave.
3. Consisting of different or unlike elements or parts; combining diverse natures or qualities; not of one kind, not pure or simple, as mixed motives.
1530Palsgr. 920 Myxed lyght is devyded in four partes.1586W. Webbe Eng. Poetrie (Arb.) 69 A foote of two sillables, is eyther simple or mixt, that is, of like time or of diuers.1590Swinburne Testaments 123 Mixt conditions are those which are partlie arbitrarie and partlie casuall.1645Rutherford Tryal & Tri. Faith (1845) 51 David was punished according to the rule of that mixed and fatherly justice, which keeps a due proportion between the sin and the punishment.1711Addison Spect. No. 62 ⁋6 Mixt Wit therefore is a Composition of Punn and true Wit.1742Cibber Let. to Pope 34 What a merry mixt Mortal has Nature made you?1790Monthly Rev. III. 485 The mixed atomists, who ascribe the power of thinking to some inherent power in matter.1818M. Edgeworth Let. 13 Oct. (1971) 114 There were mixed motives I grant... Lord Byron was distressed for money. To be sure he could have had other fortunes but then there was vanity.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India II. 164 A person of mixed European and Indian descent.1849Hare Par. Serm. II. 469 Man is a mixt being, made up of a spiritual soul and of a fleshly body.1903A. Carr in Expositor 6 June 418 With these mixed motives Pilate wrote the title.1939L. MacNeice Autumn Jrnl. iii. 18 None of our hearts are pure, we always have mixed motives.
4. Made up of good and bad elements; having both good and bad qualities.
1745Wesley Answ. Ch. 11, I have described them, as of a Mixt Character, with much Evil among them, but more Good.1760–2Goldsm. Cit. W. lxviii, This gentleman, who is of a mixed reputation.1762Ann. Reg. ii. 50 The life, character, transactions, and writings of that mixed man [Voltaire].1776Gibbon Decl. & F. xii. I. 343 Every circumstance that relates to this prince appears of a mixed and doubtful nature.1882Mozley Remin. I. xx, As regards the older boys it is a monastery, and the results are about as mixed as in the monastery of old times.
5. Of a company of persons: Comprising individuals of different birth, rank, or character; not restricted to one class or set. Hence, in bad sense: Not ‘select’, containing persons who are of doubtful character or status.
1611Bible Exod. xii. 38 And a mixed multitude went vp also with them.1657J. Watts Vind. Ch. Eng. 199 You cannot away with mixt communions.1705Stanhope Paraphr. II. 249 This Parable was spoken before a mixt and numerous Auditory.1720Swift Fates Clergym. Wks. 1751 V. 35 A free Manner of speaking in mixt Company.1748Chesterfield Let. to Son 19 Oct., Avoid, in mixed companies, argumentative polemical conversations.1817Byron Beppo lviii, The company is ‘mix'd’ (the phrase I quote is As much as saying, they're below your notice).1902T. M. Lindsay Ch. & Ministry in Early Cent. ii. 49 The population of Corinth was as mixed as that of Alexandria.
6. a. Of a government or polity: Combining features of two or more of the recognized types (monarchy, democracy, etc.); not pure or absolute in type.
1538Starkey England ii. ii. 181 For thys cause the most wyse men..affyrme a myxte state to be of al other the best and most conuenyent to conserue the hole out of tyranny.1650Hobbes De Corp. Pol. 72 This Policy they call Mixt Monarchy, or Mixt Aristocracy, or mixt Democracy, according as any of these three sorts do most visibly predominate.1752Hume Ess. & Treat. (1777) I. 12 Unbounded liberty of the press..is one of the evils attending..mixt forms of Government.1844Ld. Brougham Brit. Const. i. (1862) 12 The ancient republic of Sparta was a Mixed Aristocracy.Ibid. iii. 29 The British Constitution, the most perfect example of Mixed Government.
b. Phonetics. Of a vowel sound = central a. 1 d.
1867[see back a. 1 c].1890H. Sweet Primer Spoken Eng. 4 In the vowels we distinguish three horizontal positions, or degrees of retraction of the tongue: back, mixed, front.1918D. Jones Outl. Eng. Phonetics 17 An example of a mixed vowel is the vowel in bird.1966M. Pei Gloss. Ling. Terminol. 164 Mixed vowel, Migliorini's term for middle vowel.
7. Of sciences: Involving or dealing with matter; not ‘pure’ or simply theoretical. Now rare or Obs. exc. in mixed mathematics: see mathematics.
1641[see mathematics].1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Mixt Mathematicks, are those Arts and Sciences which treat of the Properties of Quantity, apply'd to material Beings, or sensible Objects; as Astronomy, Geography, Navigation, Dialling, Surveying, Gauging, &c.a1834Coleridge Method iii, We call those [sciences] mixed in which certain ideas of the mind are applied to the general properties of bodies.1835Ure Philos. Manuf. 2 The finest model of an automatic manufacture of mixed chemistry is the five-coloured calico machine.
8. Path. Said of cases which present symptoms of two kinds of disease at once.
mixed fever: see quot. 1856. mixed nævus, ‘one in which the true skin and the subcutaneous connective tissue are both involved’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.).
1767Gooch Treat. Wounds I. 275 The assemblage of symptoms will generally be of a mixt nature.1856Mayne Expos. Lex., Mixed Fever,..a fever having a mixture of the symptoms of an inflammatory and a typhus fever, being a combination of Synocha and Typhus.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 445 Where the case is marked by a moderate amount of œdema, and a moderate amount of paralysis, it is sometimes called mixed beriberi.
9. Comprising both sexes; involving the presence or co-operation of both sexes. mixed school, one in which girls and boys are taught together.
1644Milton Areop. (Arb.) 51 Who shall regulat all the mixt conversation of our youth, male and female together, as is the fashion of this Country?1667P.L. iv. 768 Nor in Court Amours, Mixt Dance, or wanton Mask, or Midnight Bal.1826D. Ramsay (title) Delineation of a mixed school in regard to its influence in promoting a Christian education.1863Joyce Sch. Management 47 A mixed school, in which the girls do not learn needlework, is, so far as the time-table is concerned, the same as a boys' school.1880Grove Dict. Mus. II. 339 Mixed Voices, the English term for a combination of female and male voices.1889Brownlee Lawn-Tennis 167 Ladies never play carelessly in Mixed Doubles.1899Daily News 2 Aug. 6/6 He was, he said, a convert to the mixed system in education.
10. colloq. Mentally confused, ‘muddled’; esp. ‘muzzy’ with drink.
1872Leeds Mercury 29 Aug. (Farmer), ‘No, Sir, he was not drunk, and he wornt sober’. ‘You say he wasn't drunk?’ ‘No, Sir, he was mixed’.1880Punch 4 Sept. 106 Tomkins's First Session... Rather ‘mixed’ after twenty-one hours' continuous sitting, he says [etc.].1882H. C. Merivale Faucit of B. II. i. xxiv. 106, I am myself a man of peace, who only carried a gun four times, and grew rather ‘mixed’ over it.
11. a. Special collocations: mixed angle, one formed by the intersection of a straight line and a curve; mixed arch, an arch of three or four centres; mixed bag, a heterogeneous collection of people, objects, items, etc.; mixed bathing, simultaneous bathing in the same place by people of both sexes; mixed bed, a flower bed containing an assortment of plants, arranged in irregular groups; mixed blessing, a blessing (blessing vbl. n. 4) that has unpleasant elements in it; mixed blood, (a) descent from two or more races; (b) a person of mixed descent; mixed body, a compound body (cf. mixt n.); mixed border, in a garden, a long bed containing a mixture of hardy herbaceous plants and shrubs, hardy and half-hardy plants, bulbs, etc.; mixed breed, a cross-breed; mixed cadence Mus. (see quot.); mixed-celled a. Path., involving or containing cells of more than one kind; mixed chalice, the sacramental wine with water added to it; mixed company, (a) company comprising both men and women; (b) company comprising people of different classes or characters; mixed contract Civil Law (see quot.); mixed crystal Physical Chem., a homogeneous crystal formed of more than one crystalline substance; mixed decrement Cryst. (see quot.); mixed earth (see quot.); mixed economy, an economic system containing both private and state enterprise; mixed farming, farming which combines the raising of livestock and the cultivation of arable crops; so mixed farm; mixed figure Geom., one composed of straight lines and curves; mixed flow, flow (in a turbine or the like) that consists of two or more types (usu. radial and axial) in succession; usu. attrib. (with hyphen); mixed fraction = mixed number (b); mixed grill, a dish consisting of several different grilled or fried items of food; also fig.; mixed language, a language made up of a mixture of elements from two or more languages; a creolized language; cf. mischsprache; mixed-manned a., pertaining to or designating a military force comprising people of more than one nationality; so mixed manning; mixed marriage, (a) a marriage between persons of different religions; (b) a marriage between persons of different races; also transf. and fig.; mixed media, (a) = mixed technique; (b) an entertainment, work of art, etc., which combines various media; = multi-media a.; also attrib. or as adj.; mixed metal, an alloy; also fig. (in quot. attrib.); mixed metaphor, the combination of two or more inconsistent metaphors in one figure; mixed mode Philos. (see mode n. 6); mixed money, money coined of mixed metal; mixed motion, the descending curve of the trajectory of a projectile; mixed nerve, a nerve which contains afferent and efferent fibres; mixed number, (a) a whole number expressed by two or more Arabic figures (obs.); (b) a number which consists of an integer and a fraction; mixed person Law (see quot.: after mod.L. persona mixta); mixed pickles, vegetables of several kinds pickled together; mixed plat Geom., a surface partly plane and partly curved; mixed-pressure a. Engin., applied to a steam turbine powered by both high- and low-pressure steam; mixed proportion Math. = mixed ratio; mixed range = mixed motion; mixed ratio, reason Math. (see quot.); mixed school (see 9); mixed technique (see quots.); mixed tithes (L. decimæ mixtæ), tithes partly of the nature of ‘personal’ and partly of that of ‘prædial’ tithes, e.g. those of cheese, milk, young animals; mixed tone, name of one of the Gregorian tones (= peregrine tone); mixed train, a railway train made up of both passenger-carriages and goods-waggons; formerly also, a train carrying different classes of passengers.
1594Blundevil Exerc. iv. i. (1636) 272 Of plaine Angles, .. some are said to be *mixt, because the one line is crooked and the other right.1702Ralphson Math. Dict., Angle mixed or mixtilinear.
1815J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art I. 131 *Mixed arches are of 3 centres.1817Rickman Archit. 41 Mixed arches are of three centres, which look nearly like elliptical arches; or of four centres, commonly called the Tudor arch.
1936C. C. R. Murphy (title) A *mixed bag.1943K. Tennant Ride on Stranger (1968) v. 47 This mixed bag began, not ill-naturedly, to re-arrange itself in the seating.1973A. Behrend Samarai Affair i. 13 Representatives of the press, a mixed bag in age, but not in sex.
1901Graphic 31 Aug. 268/3 The case against *mixed bathing has passed into the academic or empty stage.1930New Statesman 27 Dec. 356/1 He..could obtain any sum he pleased for writing on any subject he pleased, from the League of Nations to the ethics of mixed bathing.1964M. Laski in S. Nowell-Smith Edwardian England iv. 167 Bexhill where mixed bathing has just [sc. circa 1901] been introduced, though the custom will quickly spread.
1871W. Robinson Hardy Flowers iii. 13 A *mixed bed, carefully arranged as to the height, and tastefully as to the quality and disposition of the contents. In this kind of bed I should have no band or circle whatever, but simply a careful following out of the mixed principle.1873Young Englishwoman May 238/1 We hope this year to see a great improvement in the bedding system—mixed beds introduced in the place of those of one sort of plant, and of one colour.
1933Discovery Oct. 309/2 The introduction of European influences may prove a *mixed blessing.1960News Chron. 21 Sept. 6/3 In theory it was a Good Thing... In practice it turned out a mixed blessing.1973Guardian 16 June 11/3 Mr Duggan regards Mr Bloom's twin tub machine..as a very mixed blessing; a machine..which..uses the same lot of suds time and time again.
1817S. Brown Western Gazetteer 244 About one half of the Cherokee nation are of *mixed blood by intermarriages with the white people.1858Thoreau in Atlantic Monthly Aug. 306/2 The two mixed bloods..went off up the river.1935Huxley & Haddon We Europeans i. 23 If a Scottish or Irish clan is of ‘mixed blood’, what likelihood is there of purity of descent among the millions that make up the population of any great modern nation?1960Press (Vancouver) Dec. 13 A new and dominant element, the mixed bloods, descended from French and Scottish fathers and Indian mothers.1963A. Lubbock Austral. Roundabout 125 The largest..group of Aborigines are those, both full and mixed bloods, who have been completely detribalized... There is a fourth group of mixed-blood Aborigines.1973Guardian 20 June 11/3 The left-overs of the Korean war—the mixed-blood children fathered and then deserted by GIs... Today only 5 per cent of children placed by Harry Holt's [adoption] agency are mixed-bloods.
1656Stanley Hist. Philos. vi. (Aristotle) (1687) 378/2 *Mixt bodies are twofold, imperfect and perfect.
1868D. Thomson Handy Bk. Flower Garden xii. 326 A *mixed border of hardy and half-hardy plants..would be effective anywhere.1871W. Robinson Hardy Flowers i. 5 The mixed border is capable of infinite variation as to plan as well as to variety of subjects. The most interesting variety is that composed of hardy herbaceous plants, bulbs, and alpine plants.1899G. Jekyll Wood & Garden xvi. 200, I have a rather large..mixed border of hardy flowers.1903W. Robinson Alpine Flowers (ed. 3) i. 34 The mixed-border system rightly done enables us to cultivate..many of the more vigorous alpine plants as edgings.1957C. Lloyd Mixed Border i. 11 The mixed border stands mid-way between two extremes: the shrubbery on the one hand and the herbaceous border on the other.1970P. Coats Flowers in Hist. 39 ‘Mixed border’ is the fashionable phrase, today, for a border of herbaceous plants with a backing of shrubs.1974A. Scott-James Sissinghurst xiii. 137 At its [sc. a wall's] foot is a mixed border.. planted with roses, shrubs, herbaceous flowers and irises.
1775in South Carolina Hist. & Geneal. Mag. (1916) XVII. 99 Breakfasting with his *mixed breed daughters.1789P. Thicknesse Year's Journey (ed. 3) II. xlv. 107 If a male or female of this species [sc. Orang Outang] were to cohabit with an European of the contrary sex, they would..produce a mixed breed.1838H. Colman 1st Rep. Agric. Mass. (Mass. Agric. Survey) 53, I have had some of the full-blood and some of the mixed breed.
1876Stainer & Barrett Dict. Mus. Terms, *Mixed Cadence, an old name for a cadence, consisting of a subdominant followed by a dominant and tonic chord; so called because the characteristic chords of the plagal and authentic cadences succeed each other.
1908Practitioner Feb. 235 Leucocythaemia..may be qualified by such descriptive titles as *mixed-celled leucocythaemia..or lymphocytic leucocythaemia.1964S. Duke-Elder Parsons' Dis. Eye (ed. 14) xxv. 369 The cells [of a melanoma of the choroid] are usually spindle-shaped; they may be cylindrical or palisade-like, arranged in columns or around blood vessels, or even endothelial in appearance; most tumours are mixed-celled.
1877J. D. Chambers Div. Worship 244 The course of the Church of England in respect of the *Mixed Chalice.
1816Jane Austen Emma II. xvii. 329 Walk half-a-mile to another man's house, for the sake of being in *mixed company till bed-time.1820Hazlitt in London Mag. Sept. 253 The conversation of authors..is better than any other. That of mixed company becomes utterly intolerable.1901G. B. Shaw Three Plays for Puritans 305 As far as my social experience goes (and I have kept very mixed company) there is no class in English society in which a good deal of Drinkwater pronunciation does not pass unchallenged save by the expert phonetician.1973A. Broinowski Take One Ambassador ix. 131 Nance Donnelly..objected..to jokes about sex in mixed company. It was alright, a bit of dirt between men... But not with ladies present.
1860Wharton Law Lex. (ed. 2), *Mixed contract, one in which one of the parties confers a benefit on the other, and requires of the latter something of less value than what he has given; as a legacy charged with something of less value than the legacy itself.
1892Jrnl. Chem. Soc. LXII. i. 265 (heading) Solubility of *mixed crystals, especially of two isomorphous substances.1916R. H. Rastall Agric. Geol. i. 4 Many of the most important rock-forming minerals are not pure chemical compounds; they are to be regarded rather as mixtures of various compounds possessing the property of isomorphism; in other words they are mixed crystals.1952T. L. Tippell tr. Guinier's X-Ray Crystallogr. Technol. viii. 207 There are substances which can never be classified; these are mixed crystals (solid solutions) whose unit cell size varies continuously with their composition.1963C. R. Berry et al. in J. J. Gilman Art & Sci. Growing Crystals xii. 229 Mixed crystals of AgCl and AgBr..have been grown.
1823H. J. Brooke Introd. Crystallogr. 21 A *mixed decrement is one in which unequal numbers of molecules are omitted in height and in breadth, neither of the numbers being a multiple of the other, such as three in height and two in breadth, or four in height and three in breadth.
1796Kirwan Elem. Min. (ed. 2) I. 370 Earths, resulting from the union of earths, or sands, are called *mixed, because the ingredients..may in great measure be mechanically separated.Ibid. 371 The only mixed earths, to which peculiar names have been assigned, are loam and mould.
1938Encycl. Brit. Bk. of Year 171/2 Under this *mixed economy there is a large and developed system of trade unionism among producers, and another..system of co-operative societies among consumers.1949E. Estorick Stafford Cripps xix. 362 Cripps' role as the ‘master planner of Britain's mixed economy’ now had its international complement.1973Guardian 1 June 12/2 Neither Lonrho's shareholders nor Labour's fundamentalists provide an argument for abandoning the mixed economy.
1892W. E. Swanton Notes on N.Z. ii. 89 The farm upon which, as in England, both sheep and cattle are carried and also crops are grown..is what is generally called a ‘*mixed farm’.1917C. S. Orwin Determination of Farming Costs ii. 13 The analytical method is probably more useful in connexion with the highly-developed mixed farms of this country.1942E. African Ann. 1941–2 128/2 Friends who own a mixed farm ask us over. The first signs of their successful management are the calves... This is also a most successful pyrethrum farm.1973Country Life 15 Mar. 713/2 In the southern region of England..the average price of mixed farms of 10–49 acres with vacant possession..rose to {pstlg}915 an acre.
1872Trans. Illinois Dept. Agric. IX. 66 The majority of farmers, fruit-growers or others, generally succeed best by what is called *mixed farming.1908Kipling Lett. to Family vi. 52 Providence..did not intend everlasting wheat in this section [in Canada]... Are you interested in mixed farming?1913W. K. Harris Outback in Austral. xxiv. 169 The district is an ideal one for ‘mixed farming’ (wheat and sheep).1959A. McLintock Descr. Atlas N.Z. p. xiv, Typical of the [Canterbury] plains is the patch⁓work of fields, indicative of a system of mixed farming, with supplementary fodder crops being necessary for stock.
1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, *Figures Mixt, are such as are bounded partly by right Lines, and partly by crooked ones, as a Semicircle.
1889*Mixed-flow [see axial a. 4].1958Engineering 21 Mar. 376/1 The runner vane shape is of particular importance, especially in mixed-flow machines, where the vanes are three-dimensional surfaces. At present it is possible only in the case of axial-flow machines to define runner vane shapes in a systematic way.1969Trans. Inst. Engin. & Shipbuilders Scotl. CXII. 221 (heading) Mixed flow pumps and fans.
1706W. Jones Syn. Palmar. Matheseos 91 To Reduce an Improper Fraction into an Integer, or *Mixt Fraction.
1913W. P. Ridge (title) *Mixed grill.1922A. Huxley Mortal Coils 201 ‘Two mixed grills,’ I said..to the waiter.1959Good Food Guide 205 The best dishes are such things as sauté river trout, mixed grill and cold turkey.1973‘D. Halliday’ Dolly & Starry Bird xvii. 258 The whip..was pointing to me. I was wondering, if I got marked like a mixed grill, whether Charles would still love me.1973Times Lit. Suppl. 21 Dec. 1555/3 The audience will be a mixed-grill of faculty, students, alumni, businessmen, and perhaps a few who have simply wandered in from the rain.
1888H. Sweet Hist. Eng. Sounds 55 A very intimate mixture of two languages is always a prelude to the complete extinction of the weaker one, and this is why few..of these thoroughly *mixed languages become permanently fixed.1922O. Jespersen Lang. xi. 224 These [pidgin] languages are not ‘mixed languages’ in the proper sense of that term.1932W. L. Graff Lang. ii. x. 390 In several instances English used by people of an entirely different linguistic type results in a mixed or creolized language, the best known example being the so-called pidgin English of the Far East.1972R. Anttila Introd. Historical & Compar. Ling. xiii. 171 The various kinds of borrowing, that is, vocabulary, adstratum phonetics, and syntax, have led to the notion of a mixed language.
1963Economist 16 Mar. 980/3 The *mixed-manned, mixed-money nuclear force that Mr Merchant is..trying to create.1964Ann. Reg. 1963 28 On June 4 Admiral C. V. Ricketts..arrived in London to sell the mixed-manned fleet to a reluctant Mr Thorneycroft.
1963Times 11 June 13/6, I fail to understand the fuss about *mixed manning for the proposed Nato nuclear surface fleet.
1698–9*Mixed marriage [see world n. 4 b].1829K. H. Digby Broad Stone of Honour: Godefridus xviii. 212 They are the last to admit those monstrous and impious plans..which divide the children of mixed marriages, by training some to receive as truth, what others are to protest against as error.1851H. Martineau Hist. Peace v. xi. (1877) III. 434 The Catholic clergy were beginning to object to the mixed marriages which they had hitherto sanctioned.1961C. McCullers Clock without Hands ix. 178 The conditions of the Negro in the North are appalling—mixed marriages, nowhere to live and lay his head.1962Sunday Times 8 July 32/5 David Franklin's libretto reinterprets the Orpheus legend in terms of a mixed marriage between a white composer and a coloured cabaret-star turned opera-singer.1966New Statesman 15 Apr. 548/3 In this mixed marriage, she brings her talent from the world of working-girl and art student, weds it to the dandy showmanship that goes with a certain kind of aristocracy.1970J. Brown Un-melting Pot vii. 105 Even mixed marriages between Jamaicans and Barbadians.1972Listener 21 Dec. 854/3 They understand very well the power of the Catholic Church, and the processes by which it is maintained: clerical control of the educational system, the mixed-marriage laws and the preservation of high fertility rates.
1962R. G. Haggar Dict. Art Terms 214/2 *Mixed media, painting with water colors and paste, Indian ink, oil color, crayon, or some similar combination.1970Burton & Lane New Directions iii. 66 The most extensive development of mixed media work are the Theatre Folk Ballads which Charles Parker has developed.1972G. F. Brommer Drawing iv. 49 Paul Klee experimented freely with mixed media, as did his contemporaries in the German Bauhaus.1972Guardian 24 June 9/2 The newer, mixed-media work using a lot of sound, space, smell, and participation.1973Sunday Times 28 Oct. 37/1 (Advt.), Don't miss Contemporary Dance Theatre in Robert Cohan's Stages! A mixed media dance production with Bob Downes open music.
1617Moryson Itin. i. 154 A statua of a woman, made of *mixt metal (richer then brasse, vulgarly called di Bronzo).1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) I. 283 A blue kind of mixed metal, not unlike varnished steel.
1800Lamb Let. to Coleridge (end of year), It seems the Doctor is invariably against the use of broken or *mixed metaphor.
1602in J. Simon Irish Coins (1749) 104 Three score pounds in *mixt monies of the new standerd of this realme.1603Ibid. 109 To reduce the base mixt monyes of three ounces fyne to their value in silver.1615Sir J. Davies Cases 18 La Roigne Elizabeth, pur payer les gages del Army..que fuit mainteine..a suppresser le rebellion de Tyrone, causast vn graund quantity de Mixt Moneyes..destre coine in le Tower de London.
1669Sturmy Mariner's Mag. v. xii. 68 (plate), The *mixt or Crooked Motion.
1878Foster Phys. iii. i. 390 All the spinal nerves are *mixed nerves, composed of afferent and efferent, of motor and sensory fibres.
1542Recorde Gr. Artes (1575) 53 That number is called *myxt, that containeth articles, or at the least one article, and a digitte.Ibid. 324 Mixt numbers (that is whole numbers with fractions).1690Leybourn Curs. Math. 3 If many Digits alone, or many Digits and Cyphers stand together..promiscuously placed one among another, such Numbers are called Mixt or Compound Numbers.c1865in Circ. Sci. I. 443/2, 21/3; 35/7, &c., are mixed numbers.
1660R. Coke Power & Subj. 209 The King is a *mixt person, because he hath Ecclesiastical and Temporal jurisdiction.
1857J. H. Walsh Dom. Econ. 407 For *Mixed Pickles, prepare [etc.].
1551Recorde Pathw. Knowl. i. Defin., And if it be partlie plaine, and partlie crooked, then is it called a *Myxte platte.
1909Engineering 5 Feb. 198/1 A turbine of what is called a *mixed-pressure type, having high-pressure stages, in which the live steam may..keep the turbine running during the periods of insufficient supply of exhaust steam.1929T. M. Naylor Steam Turbines i. 9 Mixed pressure turbines use both high-pressure and exhaust or low-pressure steam. Often the exhaust steam supplied is intermittent, and so to obtain constant power from the turbine, high-pressure steam is admitted and it is controlled by a governor to enable the turbine to work at constant power.1971B. Scharf Engin. & its Lang. xv. 209 We may..distinguish between straight condensing turbines, pass-out turbines, back-pressure turbines, exhaust turbines and mixed-pressure turbines.
1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Mixt Reason, or *Proportion.
1669Sturmy Mariner's Mag. v. xii. 75 Every Shot made upon the Level hath the *mixt or Crooked-Range thereof.
1727–52Chambers Cycl., *Mixed ratio, or proportion.
1695W. Alingham Geom. Epit. 19 *Mixt Reason, is the comparing the sum of the Antecedent and Consequent, to the difference of the Antecedent and Consequent.
1935E. Neuhaus tr. Doerner's Materials of Artist v. 240 Painting with tempera into wet resin-oil color (*mixed technique). This technique is better suited to a deliberate, stylistic type of painting.1969R. Mayer Dict. Art Terms & Techniques 246/1 Mixed technique, in painting, the technique of combining tempera colors with paints of an oleoresinous medium... Mixed technique first became known in the U.S. and Britain in 1934.
1531Dial. Laws Eng. ii. I. 113 A *mixte tythe is properly of calues, lambes, pygges, and suche other that come parte of the grounde that thei be fedde of, & parte of the kepynge industrye, and ouersyght of the owners.a1634Coke Inst. ii. (1642) 490 Now of tithes there be three kindes, prediall, personall, and mixt.1672Cowell's Interpr., Mixt Tythes, Decimæ mixtæ. Are those of Cheese, Milk, &c. and of the young of Beasts.
1844[W. B. Heathcote] Canticles ii, A ninth [tone] is generally added..called ‘*Mixed’.
1838Civil Engin. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 115/1 The *mixed train which leaves Birmingham at half-past four.1839Bradshaw's Railway Time Tables 25 Oct., The Mixed Trains consist of First Class Carriages carrying six inside, and of 2d class carriages open at the side.1850Lardner Railway Econ. 481 Mixed trains, by which goods and passengers are indifferently carried.1866W. Collins Armadale I. 268 In the crowd and confusion caused by the starting of a large mixed train.
b. In Combs. used attrib.
1908J. M. Sullivan Criminal Slang 16 Mixed-ale oration, a cheap political harangue containing bad English grammar. Mixed-ale philosopher, a drunken know it all.1948Penguin Music Mag. June 49 The best members of these choirs..incorporated in..a secular mixed-voice choir.1956Railway Mag. Nov. 729/2 Many Drummond mixed-traffic 4-4-0 tender engines were tried on this route.1963Guardian 28 Jan. 7/4 Everyone asks Mr Morris..how mixed-ability classes affect the number of grammar school entrances.1963Daily Tel. 25 June 1/1 President Kennedy and Dr. Adenauer agreed in Bonn to-night that the proposed mixed-crew NATO nuclear force was ‘a good instrument for serving all members of the alliance in combining their defence efforts’.1964Economist 17 Oct. 228/2 A..contribution to the mixed-fleet command.1969Jane's Freight Containers 1968–69 444 A racing Mini being loaded into a mixed-traffic, British United Airways, VC 10.1971Guardian 17 Sept. 1/5 A delegation of six mixed-race Rhodesians.1974Times 21 May 3/1 Some teachers found that their brighter pupils started slacking when they were put in mixed-ability classes.
c. mixed up, mixed-up, involved, embroiled, intermingled; (mentally) confused, unbalanced, neurotic; hence mixed-up-ness, confusion. Cf. mix v. 6.
1862Queen Victoria Let. 15 Jan. in R. Fulford Dearest Mama (1968) 41, I only want your advice—not to get you further mixed up.1884‘Mark Twain’ Huck. Finn xlii. 432 Aunt Sally she was one of the mixed-upest looking persons I ever see.1888‘R. Boldrewood’ Robbery under Arms II. viii. 144 How were any police..to keep the run of a few men..among such a mixed-up mob?1903H. James Ambassadors vi. xv. 206 How comes Chad so mixed up, anyway?1927H. T. Lowe-Porter tr. T. Mann's Magic Mountain I. iv. 123 ‘A fine mixed-up state of affairs,’ said Hans Castorp.1937New Yorker 23 Jan. 12/1 M. Dali, standing alone and thinking dark, mixed-up thoughts.1939D. Parker Here Lies 61 I've been all sort of mixed up to-day... Everything so strange.1945G. Endore Methinks the Lady (1947) xi. 264 Such confusion, such mental mixed-up-ness, occurs at times in all of us.1955, etc. [see crazy a. 4 f].1966J. Bingham Double Agent x. 157 Poor damned old mixed-up queer.1967A. Laski Seven Other Years xi. 154 It wasn't even as if she had made some kind of distinction between God and Christ and seen One as protecting her and the Other being Them: just a general mixed-upness.1973C. Bonington Next Horizon xi. 157 Layton was like a big, slightly mixed-up puppy, in need of love and care.

mixed herbs n. (with pl. concord) a mixture of herbs, spec. a commercially prepared mixture of culinary herbs.
1862Times 28 Oct. 6/2, 3,464 bundles of *mixed herbs.1910Bedford (Pa.) Gaz. 11 Feb. 7/3 Four pepper corns, four cloves and one teaspoonful mixed herbs are the proper flavoring for one quart of water for soups.1983Washington Post (Nexis) 27 May 51 With all the fresh herbs coming up pungent and delicious, make herb butter. It's easy. Just pick a handful of mixed herbs—I've used combinations of tarragon, sage, oregano, basil, thyme and dill—chop them fairly fine, and work into creamed butter.2001Cape Times 25 May ii. 16/4 Add a small packet of frozen peas, 2 cups dry red wine, 1 diced, peeled tomato, a goodly sprinkling of mixed herbs, salt and freshly-ground black pepper.

mixed message n. a message which conveys contradictory or inconsistent information, often unintentionally; (in pl.) messages which (apparently) contradict each other (cf. mixed signals n.).
1883Funny Folks 24 Nov. 371/1 It [sc. the electro-automatic evangelist] commenced to pour forth in the tones of a steam hooter, which penetrated to every corner of the tent, its somewhat *mixed message.1896S. A. Underwood Automatic or Spirit Writing vi. 115 Mr. U. had been speaking of the frequent mixed messages, contradictions and occasional falsehoods in the earlier phases of his writing.1975L. A. Cove & R. S. Lourie in S. Arieti Amer. Handbk. Psychiatry (ed. 2) V. 776 Their [sc. a child's natural parents] intermittent appearances and mixed messages are probably the most potent barriers to the children's being able to..resolve relationship conflicts.2005N.Y. Times (National ed.) 5 Oct. c12/1 Sales flagged and experts blamed the mixed message.

mixed nuts n. a mixture of several varieties of nuts.
1876Chicago Daily Tribune 17 Dec. 5/7 (advt.) *Mixed nuts, per lb..14c.2004Nature 27 May 352/2 In a container of mixed nuts, the brazil nuts always seem to rise to the top.

mixed signals n. signals which (apparently) contradict each other (cf. mixed message n.).
1905Washington Post 13 July 8/3 The play showed the lack of team work and *mixed signals again.1966Eng. Jrnl. 55 913/2, I know more than one school teacher or English professor..who has finally rebelled at the delays, the mixed signals, the red tape that are often encountered before a proposal is finally approved.2004H. Kennedy Just Law (2005) viii. 181 For juries who believe..the woman [sc. a rape victim] may have given mixed signals by her own behaviour, the judge's direction is a let-out.




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