

单词 mixo-
释义 mixo-|ˈmɪksəʊ|
repr. Gr. µιξο-, f. root of µιγνύναι to mix, occurring in many Gr. compounds with the sense ‘mixed’; used in a few mod. scientific words founded on Greek analogies, as mixogamous |mɪkˈsɒgəməs| a. Ichth. [Gr. γάµ-ος marriage + ], (see quot. 1880); miˈxogamy Ichth., the condition of being mixogamous; mixoˈhaline a. [Gr. ἅλῐν-ος of salt], brackish; mixonephridium, mixonephrium, in certain annelids, an organ in which the nephridium is combined with the cœlomoduct; mixopyous |mɪkˈsɒpɪəs| a. Med. [Gr. µιξό-πῡος, f. πῦον pus], ‘mingled, or mixed with pus; formerly applied to the urine’ (Mayne Expos. Lex. 1856); ˈmixoscope [see -scope], the name given to an apparatus for mixing colours; mixoˈscopia, miˈxoscopy Psychol. [ad. G. mixoskopie (A. Moll Die Conträre Sexualempfindung (1891) v. 136), f. Gr. σκοπεῖν to look at], (see quot. 1939); hence mixoˈscopic a. mixoˈtrophic a. [see trophic a.], ‘half-saprophytic’ (B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms 1900). See also mixobarbaric, mixolydian, and cf. Mix-Hellene.
1880Günther Fishes xiii. 177 The majority of Teleostei are mixogamous—that is, the males and females congregate on the spawning-beds, and..several males attend to the same female, frequently changing from one female to another.
1881Athenæum 15 Jan. 97 Chapter xiii [of Günther's Study of Fishes deals] with..mixogamy, polygamy..as occurring amongst fishes.
1959Archivio di Oceanogr. e Limnol. XI. Suppl. 243 At the final session of the Venice Symposium a revised classification of marine waters according to salinity was adopted and recommended for universal application... The term ‘brackish’, as a classificatory term, was avoided because of its ambiguous meaning and the term ‘mixo⁓haline’ was proposed to indicate diluted sea water.1969G. Vevers tr. Friedrich's Marine Biol. vii. 419 Waters with intermediate salinities are known as brackish or mixohaline.
1946E. S. Goodrich in Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. LXXXVI. 119 When, as in the majority of Polychaeta, the coelomostome is so completely fused to the inner end of the nephridium as to form an apparently simple large-funnelled organ..it may be called a mixonephridium... This new name is proposed to draw attention to the difference between these two kinds of organ (the metanephridium, and the compound nephromixial organ).1963Mixonephridium [see cœlomo-].1972M. S. Gardiner Biol. Invertebr. xiii. 505/2 In a mixonephridium, the nephrostome has presumably become occluded and lost.
1958G. A. Kerkut Borradaile & Potts's Invertebrata (ed. 3) viii. 287 Mixonephrium. The coelomoduct is so closely associated with the nephridium that they form an apparently simple funnelled organ.
1876Mixoscope [see mixer 2].
1939G. R. Scott Encycl. Sex 200/2 Mixoscopia or mixoscopy, the securing of sexual orgasm or excitation as a result of seeing human beings or animals engaged in copulation.1940Hinsie & Shatzky Psychiatric Dict. 350/2 Mixoscopia, a form of sexual perversion, deriving pleasure from watching the act of coition between the desired one and another person.
1903Alienist & Neurologist May 167 Mixoscopic.1905H. Ellis Stud. Psychol. Sex iv. 188 Founded on the sense of vision also we find a phenomenon, bordering on the abnormal, which is by Moll named mixoscopy. This means the sexual pleasure derived from the spectacle of other persons engaged in natural or perverse sexual actions.




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