

单词 antiphoner
释义 antiphoner|ænˈtɪfənə(r)|
[a. OFr. antiphonier, f. med.L. antiphōnārium: see antiphonar, -ary.]
= antiphonary.
c1370Wyclif English Works (1879) 194 Multitude of newe costy portos, antifeners, graielis, & alle oþere bokis.c1386Chaucer Prioress' T. 67 He O alma redemptoris herde synge, As children lerned her antiphonere.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 144/1 The anthyphoner on whyche he lerned them is yet there.1570Grindal Rem. (1843) 135 That antiphoners, mass books..be utterly defaced, rent, and abolished.1727–51Chambers Cycl. s.v. Antiphony, Among the number of ecclesiastical books formerly used..we meet with antiphoners or antiphonaries.1823Scott Peveril 202 Proper priest's trappings—antiphoners, missals, and copes.




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