

单词 Molucca
释义 Molucca|məˈlʌkə|
Also 7 Molluca, Molucco.
[Appears in Fr. (1522) as Isles Moluques, in It. (1598) as Isole Moluche, and in 17th c. Sp. and Pg. as Maluco, islas Malucas and Molucas.]
The name (the Moluccas, the Molucca Islands) of a group of islands (also called the Spice Islands) situated in the Eastern Archipelago; used attrib. in Molucca balm, a cultivated labiate plant, Moluccella lævis, native of the Eastern Mediterranean region; Molucca bat, the Harpy bat, Harpyia cephalotes, native of the islands of Celebes and Amboyna; Molucca bean, the fruit of a species of bonduc, Guilandina Bonducella; Molucca berry, the fruit of a large tiliaceous tree, Elæocarpus serratus, native of India; Molucca crab, a name for species of the genus Limulus; the king-crab; Molucca deer, a species of deer, Cervus moluccensis, found in the Moluccas; Molucca grains, the seeds of the East Indian tree Croton Tiglium, from which croton oil is extracted; Molucca nut, the bonduc nut (Mayne Expos. Lex. 1856).
1731Miller Gard. Dict. s.v. Molucca, *Molucca Balm.1789W. Aiton Hortus Kewensis II. 310 Moluccella lævis... Smooth Molucca Balm... Moluccella spinosa... Prickly Molucca Balm.
1781Pennant Hist. Quad. II. 558 *Molucca Bat.
a1688J. Wallace Descr. Orkney (1693) 14 Upon the Rocks you will find..very oft these pretty Nutts [marg. *Molluca Beans], of which they use to make Snuff Boxes.1700J. Wallace Jr. Acc. Orkney ii. 36 After Storms of Westerly Wind, amongst the Sea-weed, they find commonly in places expos'd to the Western-Ocean these Phaseoli, that, I know not for what reason, go under the Name of Molucca Beans. [Cf. Sloane in Phil. Trans. (1696) XIX. 398, where the name Phaseoli Molucani is cited from Sibbald Prodr. Hist. Nat. Scot. p. 55 part 2.]1753Chambers Cycl. Supp., Anacardium, the Portuguese denominate it Fava de Molaqua, the Molucca bean, by which title it is also known in England.
1887Bentley Man. Bot. (ed. 5) 484 Elæocarpus (Ganitrus) serratus.—The fruits are commonly known under the name of *Molucca Berries.
1681Grew Musæum i. §v. iv. 120 The *Molucca-Crab. Cancer Molucensis.1902P. Kropotkin Mutual Aid 11 The big Molucca crab (Limulus).
1893Lydekker Horns & Hoofs 299 The *Molucca deer.
1837Penny Cycl. VIII. 179/2 The seeds of the Croton Tiglii were formerly used as a drastic purgative medicine, under the name of grains of Tilly, or *Molucca grains.
1696Sloane Catal. Plant. Jamaica 225 *Molucco Nuts of med. cur.




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