

单词 money-monger
释义 ˈmoney-monger
A dealer in money, esp. in the way of lending it.
1571Golding Calvin on Ps. xv. 5 For it is a very vnmeet thing, that..only the monymongers sitting stil shuld take tribute of euery mans labors.1639Massinger Unnat. Combat iv. ii, My pay..The citie cormorants, my monie-mongers, Have swallow'd downe already.1755J. Shebbeare Lydia (1769) II. 32 The 'Change-alley jobbers, who can no more suffer a story to lie still without improving, than these money-mongers can their cash without interest.1844Kinglake Eöthen (1845) 102 Rothschild (the late money-monger).1877Ruskin Fors Clav. lxxxii. 325 Given..not by God..but only by the Jew money-monger in twenty per cent.
appos.c1613Rowlands Paire of Spy-Knaves 14 The sonnes of Mammon, mony-monger slaues.
Hence ˈmoney-mongering vbl. n. and ppl. a. Also ˈmoney-monging (cf. mass-monging, etc.).
1594R. Wilson Cobler's Proph. i. ii. 140 The money monging mate with all his knauerie.c1600Timon v. v. (Shaks. Soc.) 90 Away, thou mony-monging cormorant.1816Keats Sonn. to Haydon, A money mong'ring, pitiable brood.1848Kingsley Yeast xv. (1881) 304 The last place in which he will look for the cause of his misery is in that very money-mongering to which he now clings as frantically as ever.1874Farrar Christ xiii. (1881) 88 These money-mongering Jews.




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