

单词 money-worth
释义 I. ˈmoney-worth, n.
[worth n.]
1. = money's-worth 1. ? Obs.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 67 Alle syche as taken money or money worþ for gostly offices.c1394P. Pl. Crede 715 Þat þey may kachen Money oþer money-worthe and mede to fonge.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 275 Yf they be founde to haue ony money or money worth, contrary to theyr rule.1545Brinklow Compl. xxiv. (1874) 71 And if thei..geue no mony nor mony worth, thei shal be cownted heretyckes.1668Clarendon Vindic. Tracts (1727) 23, I do positively deny that ever I received..the least sum of mony or mony-worth for any lease made by his Majesty of his customs.1800Chron. in Asiat. Ann. Reg. 101/1 To dispose of his patronage for money, for money-worth, or for any thing convertible into money.
2. Worth in money, money-value.
1903Expositor Apr. 271 The value of a gift is independent of its money-worth.1904Quaritch's Catal., It is..equivalent in intrinsic value to an early Quarto, and ought to be equivalent in money-worth likewise.
II. ˈmoney-worth, a. Obs.
[worth a.]
Worth money, valuable.
In examples like quot. 1611, the word may be the prec. n. used predicatively.
1611Cotgr. s.v. Argent, C'est argent qu'argent vaut: Prov. Nothing but money is money-worth.1645Ussher Body Div. (1647) 294 Whether it be Cattell, money, or any thing that is money-worth.1649Bp. Hall Cases Consc. (1650) 24 There is no great difference between this case, and that of loane..; save that there money is let, here commodities money-worth.




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