

单词 monish
释义 I. monish, v.|ˈmɒnɪʃ|
Forms: α. 4–5 monast, -yst, moonest, 4–6 monest(e; β. 4 mones, moneyche, 5 -ys(s)ch(e, -esche, -yche, 5–6 monysh(e, -ysshe, 6 monis(s)h(e, Sc. monis, -ys, 6– monish. pa. tense and pa. pple. in -st. 4–5 monyst, 4–6 monest, 6 -ist.
[a. OF. monester:—popular L. monestāre, an unexplained derivative of monēre to advise, warn. For the change of termination in English, see admonish.]
1. trans. To admonish (a person), in various senses. (Also absol.) arch.
αa1300Cursor M. 27330 And for to monest [Fairf. monast] him ful gerne, if he can noght, for to lerne.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 6 Here he monestiþ ech man to lyve wel.c1400Rom. Rose 3579 For I you pray, and eek moneste, Nought to refusen our requeste.c1449Pecock Repr. iv. iv. 445 Poul bade him [sc. Titus]..forto correcte defautis as weel as forto moneste.1494Fabyan Chron. vi. cliii. 140 Monesting hym..that he shuld exchew and forbere suche doynge.
βa1300Cursor M. 26828 We moneyche [Fairf. monest] biscops preistes bath,..þat þai thol na sauls for to be lend vnto þe feinddes hand.1375Barbour Bruce xii. 383 Thai may weill monyss [Camb. MS. monast] as thai will.c1440Gesta Rom. xlviii. 216 (Add. MS.), Whan Ioseph was monysshed and bidden by the aungell, that he shuld flee into Egipte.1483Chron. Eng. g vij, He monyschyd all cristen men that prestes shuld be worsshipped a bown all other men.1513Douglas æneis x. viii. 5 The haly nymphe..Hyr brother Turnus did monys and exhort To succur Lawsus.a1533Frith Answ. More (1829) 175 And so are we monished by Isaiah, in the 8th chapter, that we believe no such fantasies.a1568R. Ascham Scholem. i. (Arb.) 31 Chide not hastelie:..but monish him gentelie.1606G. W[oodcocke] Lives Emperors in Hist. Ivstine Hh iij, Men say that his parents were monished in a dreame to cal him Theodosius.16..Swinburne Spousals (1686) 91 Yet is he rather to be monished than compelled to marry this Woman.1839Bailey Festus iv. (1848) 31 Were thou and I To monish them.1856S. Winkworth tr. Tauler's Life & Serm. xxi. (1857) 360 Each doing as he is inwardly monished by the Holy Ghost.1866T. N. Harper Peace thro. Truth Ser. i. 15 The Apostle then, as Pacian monishes us, speaks of a visible unity.
Pa. tense and pple. in -st.
a1300Cursor M. 29292 He þat aght..fra hali kirk has laght, and he þar-for es monest thrise [etc.].1375Barbour Bruce xii. 379 Tharfor thai monyst thame to be Of gret vorschip.a1400–50Alexander 3127 (Ashm. MS.) Þus monest he þe messangers þaire maistir to say.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 6400 Of þis wyse monest was he.1513Douglas æneis iii. iii. 77 Lat ws obey Phebus..As we bene monest.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) I. 231 Reule monist be this visioun, come with the said reliquies.
b. In ecclesiastical use. (Cf. monition 3 b.)
c1440Jacob's Well 56 Alle þo þat..kepin or defendyn an opyn theef, after þe tyme þey be thryes monestyd of here ordinarye, in specyal or in general [etc.].1533Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. VI. 152 To monis the priores..for nonpayment of thair taxt of the Beltane terme.1607in W. H. Hale Prec. in Causes of Office (1841) 10 He is now monished to appeare in the Consistorie the first court day of Easter next.1633Acts Durham High Commission Crt. 36 Hath heard the late Lord Bishopp Neile..monish and require Vaux to give over the profession of casting of figures.1847Coote Pract. Eccl. Courts 257 [Form of Monition.] We do therefore hereby authorize..you..peremptorily to monish, or cause to be monished, the said Alexander McMath, that he shall [etc.].1872O. Shipley Gloss. Eccl. Terms s.v. Monition, an order monishing the party complained against to obey.1885Law Times LXXIX. 438/1 Whether the clergyman..had sufficiently monished him or any other erring parishioner.
2. With thing as obj. (chiefly in translations): To exhort to; to give warning of; to call to mind.
1382Wyclif Luke iii. 18 He monestinge manye othere thingis [Vulg. Multa quidem et alia exhortans].1382John iii. 10 If I shal come, I shal moneste [Vulg. commonebo] his werkes, whiche he doith.1388Eccles. vii. 3 The ende of alle men is monestid [Vulg. finis cunctorum admonetur hominum].a1533Frith Disput. Purgat. Pref. (1829) 83 Let them remember what Paul monisheth 1 Tim. 4.1540Palsgr. Acolastus D iij b, Surely he is a stoute and a hartye monysher, if he monysh any thynge well.
Hence ˈmonishing vbl. n. Also ˈmonisher, one who admonishes.
1382Wyclif Isa. xxx. 21 Thin eres shuln heren the wrd bihinde the bac of the monestere.1388Deut. xxi. 20 He dispisith to here oure monestyngis.c1440Gesta Rom. ii. xxix. 370 And the voice of monysshyng is this.1483Cath. Angl. 243/1 A Monyschere, hortator, monitor.1513Douglas æneis iv. viii. 115 Eik bygane the feirfull sawis seir Off the devynis, with terrible monysingis.1540Monysher [see monish v. 2].a1600Ballad in T. James Corrupt. Scripture (1611) iii. 44 In his monestings he forsaketh despisings.1624Gee Hold fast 33, I should seeme rather to be an accuser..then a monisher in..dutie to my Countrey.
II. monish, n.|ˈmʌnɪʃ|
[See money n. 4 .]
1846Swell's Night Guide 125/2 Monish, tip us the, give me the money.1848Sinks of London laid Open 116/1 Monish, tip us the, give me the money.




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