

单词 month's mind
释义 month's mind
Also 5–7 month mind.
1. Eccl. In England before the Reformation, and still in Ireland among Roman Catholics: The commemoration of a deceased person by the celebration of masses, etc., on a day one month from the date of his death.
There seems to be no authority for applying the term to the commemoration throughout the month following the funeral. The notion that it meant a commemoration recurring every month is baseless. For an English rustic survival of the ‘month's mind’ custom, see month's end in month n. 6 b.
1466in Somerset Medieval Wills (1901) 210, I will that there be at my dirige mass and moneth mynde noon other tapers ne candelstikkes but such as be of the same chirch.1487in Paston Lett. III. 463 Every weke folowing unto my monthes mynde oon trentall, and iij. trentalles at my monthes mynde biside the solempne dirige and masse that is to be requyred for me at that tyme.1530in N. & Q. (1900) 9th Ser. VI. 414/1, I will that my executors cause an hole trigintall of masses to be saide..upon the day of my buryall..and likewise as manny at the moneths mynde and asmany at my yeres day.1546Langley Pol. Verg. De Invent. vi. viii. 128 In England the custome is to kepe the thirty daie or moneth mynde with like Obites, as wer dooen on the buriall daies. [Orig. Apud Anglos hoc fit vigesimo nono die postquam mortuus est sepultus.]1565Cooper Thesaurus, Cenotaphium, a monument of one dead where the body is not, as the herse at the monthes minde.1721Strype Eccl. Mem. II. iv. 281 The month's mind for the two Dukes of Suffolk late deceased was kept September 22: so the more solemn celebration of the funerals of great persons about a month more or less after their interments used to be callid.1830W. Carleton Traits Irish Peas. (1843) I. 163 He hadn't even a Month's mind!Ibid. note, A Month's Mind is the repetition of one or more masses, at the expiration of a month after death, for the repose of the departed soul.1884Weekly Reg. 11 Oct. 452/2 The month's mind of the late Marchioness of Londonderry was celebrated in the Catholic Church of Newtownards.
b. transf. and fig.
1598Tofte Alba (1880) 18 Loe here the Months Mind of my deare bought loue Which (once a Month) I vowd to memorise.1601Holland Pliny II. 522 They doe offer sacrifice euery 20 day of the Moone, and these moneth-mindes they keep as holy-daies.1613Purchas Pilgrimage viii. vi. 763 They vse to solemnize certaine months-mindes in their Sauage manner for any great personage dead.
2. Used allusively as a more or less playful synonym for mind n.1 13; an inclination, a fancy, a liking. Also (rarely) to be in a month's mind, to have a strong expectation. Obs. exc. dial.
1580Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 464 Determininge to ende his lyfe in Athens, although he hadde a moneths minde to England.1598Bp. Hall Sat. iv. iv. 116 He thaw's like Chaucers frosty Ianiuere; And sets a Months minde vpon smyling May.1611Cotgr. s.v. Engrand, Tu es bien engrand de trotter..thou hast a moneths mind to be gone.1621Bp. R. Montagu Diatribæ 382 You bend toward them in the parting, and beare a moneths mind still vnto them.1660Pepys Diary 20 May, In another bed there was a pretty Dutch woman, but though I had a month's mind I had not the boldness to go to her.1700Congreve Way of World iii. i, She has a Month's mind; but I know Mr. Mirabell can't abide her.1755J. Shebbeare Lydia (1769) II. 76 This baronet then had a month's mind to the Dowager Viscountess.1809Malkin Gil Blas vi. ii. ⁋2 If you once leave us, we are in a month's mind that we shall not see you again.1815Hist. J. Decastro & his bro. Bat IV. 224 Now her ladyship felt malice enough against the men to have a month's mind to another husband.1826Scott Jrnl. 8 July, He [a lion] was lying like a prince in a large cage, where you might be admitted if you wish. I had a month's mind—but was afraid of the newspapers.




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