

单词 mordicative
释义 mordicative, a. Obs.
[ad. late L. mordicātīv-us, f. mordicāre: see mordicate and -ive.]
Biting or stinging, sharp, pungent.
1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 944 Whereas the conceits and jests of Aristophanes are bitter and sharpe withall, carrying with them a mordicative qualitie which [etc.].Ibid. 1187 That the aire in the citie of Delphos was..mordicative, as witnesseth the speedie concoction of meat that it causeth.Ibid. Explan. Words, Mordicatiue, that is to say, Biting and stinging: as mustard seed, Pelletary of Spaine.1634R. H. Salernes Regim. 45 The cause why this fume is mordicative is by reason that the wine that it commeth of, is mordicative.




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