

单词 Morisco
释义 Morisco, a. and n.|mɒˈrɪskəʊ|
Forms: 6–8 morisko, 7 morissco, 9– moriska, 20 morisca, 6– morisco.
[a. Sp. morisco, f. Moro Moor n.2 Cf. the It. form Moresco.]
A. adj. Of or pertaining to the Moors; Moorish.
1551W. Thomas tr. Barbaro's Trav. (1873) 53 Sitteng vpon carpetts aftre the Morisco maner.1586T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. i. (1594) 84 The emperor Frederike the II. spake the Greeke, Latin, Hebrew, Arabian, Morisko, Almaigne, Italian and French toong.1605Relat. Journ. Earl Nottingham 27 Diuers Gypsies (as they termed them) men and women, dauncing and tumbling much after the Morisco fashion.1612Shelton Quix. iv. xiv. (1620) 452 In the Morisco tongue.1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Pol. Touchstone (1674) 277 The chain..being of Morisco-work.1710Palmer Proverbs 95 A true Spaniard..is particularly proud..that he's no heretick, has neither Jews nor Morisco blood in his body.1835Marryat Pirate xiii, It was of a composite architecture, between the Morisco and the Spanish.1847Prescott Peru v. i. II. 308 Fears were generally entertained of a general rising of the Morisco population.
Comb.1834Beckford Italy I. 48 Aldernach, an antiquated town with strange morisco-looking towers.1885Kerry-Nicholls in Jrnl. Anthrop. Instit. XV. 195 Many of the women of this class are remarkable for their personal beauty, which partakes somewhat of the Morisco-Spanish type.
b. alla Morisco [= It. alla moresca]: in the Moorish fashion. Obs.
a1592Greene 2nd Pt. Mamillia (1593) H 1 b, Needelesse noughts, as crisps, and scarphes worne Alla Morisco.
B. n.
1. A Moor, esp. one of the Moors in Spain.
1629Wadsworth Pilgr. v. 40 These Moriscoes came into Spaine with Iacob Almansor.1706tr. Dupin's Eccl. Hist. 16th C. II. iv. xi. 451 As he went to Montserrat, he met a Morisco upon the Road.1838Prescott Ferd. & Is. ii. vi. (1846) II. 390 From this period the name of Moors..gave way to the title of Moriscoes.1903Edin. Rev. Apr. 278 The Moriscos were preferred as tenants because they were tied to the soil.
b. Her. Morisco's head = Moor's-head 3.
a1550in Baring-Gould & Twigge W. Armory (1898) 8 Gyronny of 6 or and sab.: 3 moriscoes heads of the 2nd.
c. In Mexican use. (See quot.)
1900Deniker Races Man xiii. 542 A Mulatto woman, the offspring of a Spaniard and a negress, may give birth to a Morisco by uniting with a Spaniard.
2. The Moorish language. Obs.
1612Shelton Quix. iv. xiv. (1620) 457 He..said in Morisco, Let none of you..stirre himselfe.
3. Arabesque ornament.
1727–52Chambers Cycl., Moresk, or Morisko, a kind of painting, carving, &c. done after the manner of the Moors.1855Ogilvie Suppl., Morisco, the work called moresque.
4. A morris dance.
1561T. Hoby tr. Castiglione's Courtyer ii. L iij b, To goe about the streetes daunsing the Morisco.1600Rowlands (title) The Letting of Hvmors Blood in the Head-Vaine. With a new Morissco, daunced by seauen Satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogines Tubbe.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 113 The bride-maids..began a Morisko, their faces, hands, and feet painted with flowres.1844L. S. Costello Béarn & Pyrenees II. 252 The celebrated dance called the Morisco, which is reserved for great occasions.1935Discovery Sept. 265/2 Miss Violet Alford's comparative study of the relation of the Morris to other seasonal dances of Europe and to the Morisca.1938C. Sachs World Hist. Dance vii. 301 The carved figures with which Erasmus Grasser decorated the Ratssaal in Munich in 1480... These so-called maruschka or moriska dancers are..beautiful.Ibid. 335 In Europe..the name morisca covers many choral dances in double file formation.1950L. Armstrong Dances of Spain II. 13 Moriscas came into being as the Moors were driven southwards.
fig.1612Beaum. & Fl. Cupid's Rev. ii. iii, There's mad Morisco's in the state; but what they are, I'll tell you when I know.
b. A morris-dancer. Obs.
1593Shakes. 2 Hen. VI, iii. i. 365, I haue seene Him capre vpright, like a wilde Morisco.
c. attrib.
1679Blount Anc. Tenures 149 With Musick and a Morisco Dance of Men, and another of Women.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 136 He..diverted me with several Interludes of Morisco Dancing.




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