

单词 mortifying
释义 I. ˈmortifying, vbl. n.
The action of the vb. mortify.
1382Wyclif 2 Cor. iv. 10 Euermore beringe aboute the mortifyinge [gloss that is, the dyuerse tourmentynge] of Jhesu Crist in oure body.c1450tr. De Imitatione ii. xii. 56 Þere is non oþer way to lyfe..but þe way of þe holy crosse, and of quotidian mortifieng.1530Tindale Prol. Lev. Wks. (1573) 14/2 Baptisme signifieth vnto vs repentaunce, and the mortifying of our vnruly members, and bodyes of sinne, to walke in a new life.1674Owen Serm. Wks. 1851 ix. 469 If our hearts are not engaged to the mortifying of all sin.
II. ˈmortifying, ppl. a.
That mortifies.
1. Involving mortification or repression of natural appetites and desires. Formerly also, that practises self-denial; austere, self-denying, abstemious.
1596Shakes. Merch. V. i. i. 82 And let my Liuer rather heate with wine, Then my heart coole with mortifying grones.1638Rawley tr. Bacon's Life & Death (1650) 18 His Life was Austere and Mortifying.1654A. Gray Spirit. Warfare iii. (1736) 49 A mortifying Christian is a most Experienced Christian.a1697Aubrey Lives (1898) I. 132 Here he had several mortifying and divine motto's.1706Stanhope Paraphr. III. 517 It will not decline the most mortifying Severities, when used as Expedients to secure his good Graces.1835I. Taylor Spir. Despot. iii. 86 The mortifying purity of the ministers of heaven.
2. Causing death; mortal, fatal; deadly.
1683Tryon Country-Mans Comp. title-p., To preserve Sheep from that Monsterous, Mortifying Distemper, The Rot.a1691Boyle Hist. Air (1692) 167 The cold in the woods..was yet not so mortifying as the other.1706E. Ward Wooden World Diss. (1708) 103 Mortifying, gripe⁓gut Beer.1707Mortimer Husb. (1721) I. 117 Urine..is reckoned to be of a destructive, mortifying Nature to Vegetables.1896Rosebery in Times 12 Feb. 6/2 The noble duke's icy cold spray has been turned on, and no political plant with which I am acquainted has survived that mortifying process.
b. Dying (hours). Obs.
1649Milton Eikon. xxviii. 226 Those few mortifying howers that should have been most at peace from all disquiet.
3. Marked by mortification or necrosis.
1797Downing Disord. Horned Cattle 18 A swelling attended with lameness and a mortifying blackness.1901Daily Chron. 25 July 3/2 The explorer held the mortifying finger upright during many a weary march.
4. Causing humiliation of feeling, vexation, or depression; vexatious, annoying; depressing.
1726Swift Gulliver iii. x, They were the most mortifying Sight I ever beheld; and the Women more horrible than the Men.1756Cowper Wks. (1837) XV. 270, I live in hourly apprehensions of more mortifying adventures.1823Lamb Elia ii. Stage Illusion, The most mortifying infirmity in human nature..is, perhaps, cowardice.1879Perowne in Expositor X. 166 The disappointment was naturally the more acute and mortifying.
Hence ˈmortifyingly adv.
1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) III. 284 How tender, how mortifyingly tender now in him!1832Examiner 293/1 A time mortifyingly short.1853C. Brontë Villette xxvii, What she said..was of a purpose somewhat mortifyingly below the standard of the occasion.




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