

单词 Murray Valley
释义 Murray Valley
The name of the valley of the Murray River (see Murray2), used attrib. to designate a severe form of encephalitis and also the mosquito-borne virus that causes it.
1951Med. Jrnl. Australia I. 526/1 A severe human encephalitis of virus origin spread diffusely along the Murray Valley during the early months of 1951. This has been provisionally referred to as Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE).1955Sci. Amer. Mar. 65/2 The New York laboratory decided to employ the neutralization test to compare each of the 11 new viruses with various other insect-borne viruses, such as the agents of yellow fever, dengue, louping ill, Murray Valley fever, Russian encephalitis, [etc.].1966Wright & Symmers Systemic Path. II. xxxiv. 1207/1 Epidemics of encephalitis occurred in Australia in 1912, 1918, 1922 and 1926... It is probable that these epidemics were outbreaks of the disease that has become known as Murray Valley fever.1974Sydney Morning Herald 6 Feb. 7 (heading) Mystery of the Murray Valley virus.




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