

单词 nake
释义 I. nake, a. Obs. rare.
Also naken.
[ME. nake(n) = OFris. and MLG. naken: see the note to naked a.]
c1320Cast. Love 1655 When I was nake ȝe ȝeve me clothyng.c1380Sir Ferumb. 2744 Þe Sarasyns dude his helm a-down, & maked his hed al nake.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xxi. 51 [Þey] nailede hym with þre nayles naked [v.r. naken] on þe rode.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 7214 Kyng Thoas herte be-gan to qwake, He wende to be hanged al nake.
II. nake, v. Obs. (exc. Sc.)
[Originally, and most commonly, in ppl. and pret. form naked, based directly on the adj., the -ed being apprehended as a verbal ending.]
trans. To make naked, in various lit. and fig. senses; to bare, lay bare, strip, unsheathe, etc.
Benacian occurs once in OE., but nacian in Bosw.-Toller rests upon an erroneous reading (cf. O.E. Martyrol. 18).
c1320Langtoft Chron. (Rolls) II. 248 The fote folk Put the Scottes in the polk, And nackened [B. nakid] thair nages.c1374Chaucer Boeth. iv. met. vii. (1868) 148 O nice men whi nake ȝe ȝoure bakkes as who seiþ.1402Hoccleve Let. Cupid 353 Oure first moder..made al mankynde lese his lyberte, and naked yt of Ioye.c1440Gesta Rom. lxix. 313 (Harl. MS.), Thenne he nakid hire evene to þe smok.1502Douglas Pal. Hon. i. i, Write thir frenesyis Quhilks of thy sempill cunning nakit the.1606Warner Alb. Eng. xv. xciv. 376 Thus he nakt to her his heart.1607Tourneur Rev. Trag. v. i, Come, be ready: nake your swords; thinke of your wrongs!1614T. Adams Sinner's Passing Bell Wks. 1861 I. 339 Sickness hath..naked him of his silks.1887Service Life Dr. Duguid 258 He naked his swurd, an' swure he would thole't nae langer.
refl.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints i. (Peter) 31 He bad nocht, bot hym nakyt swith.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 3290 He nakid hym, and schewed hym as blyue.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode i. v. (1869) 3 Eche wight onclothed him and naked him at the entringe.1533Bellenden Livy i. xi. (S.T.S.) I. 65 Ane parte þareof schamefully nakit þame self of þare wapynnys.Ibid. iii. xix. II. 27 He nakit him of his abulȝementis.




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