

单词 nativity
释义 nativity|nəˈtɪvɪtɪ|
Forms: (2 natiuiteð), 4–5 natyvyte, -tie, 4–6 nativyte, -vite, (4 -tee), 6–7 nativitie, -tye, 6– nativity.
[In ME. a. F. nativité (12th c.), ad. L. nātīvitāt-em: see native a. and -ity. The late OE. nativiteð represents the older F. form nativited.
a1122O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1102 On þisum ᵹeare to Natiuiteð wæs se cyng Heanriᵹ on Westmynstre.]
1. The birth of Christ, of the Virgin, or of St. John the Baptist.
a1300Cursor M. 11383 Þis kinges thre þar wai þai tok A tuelmoth ar þe natiuite.a1340Hampole Psalter Cant. 507 Lord þis natiuite of þe maydyn is þi werk.1382Wyclif Mark Prol., Mark..tellith not the natiuite of Crist bi fleissche.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xi. 43 Þare schewed þe aungell þe natiuitee of sayn Iohn Baptist.1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 212 How men oughte to worshyp her natyuyte in erthe.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 25 b, To do honour and homage to his grace in his blessed natiuite.1575–85Abp. Sandys Serm. (Parker Soc.) 286 At the time of his nativity..there was peace amongst all nations.1656Vaughan Thalia Rediv., Nativity, Poor Galile, thou canst not be The place for His nativity.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) III. 96 The basso-relievo representing the nativity of Christ.1844Mem. Babylon. P'cess II. 101 The house..in which St. John the Baptist was born. The place of his nativity is ornamented with magnificent bas reliefs.
b. A picture representing the Nativity.
1644Evelyn Diary 10 Nov., Two famous pieces of Bassano, the one a Vulcan, the other a Nativity!1876Encycl. Brit. IV. 653/2 Among his..pieces is a Nativity, representing the angels around the infant Christ.
2. The church festival commemorating the birth of Christ, observed on the 25th of December; Christmas. Also, the festivals of the birth of the Virgin, Sept. 8, and of St. John Baptist, June 24.
a1300Cursor M. 13186 Men mai yeitt se sum sted in france Wod men at his [sc. St. John Baptist's] natiuite To kirk be draun.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 41 And faste þei fro þe feste of alle hawen til þe natyuyte of crist.1389in Eng. Gilds (1870) 14 Þe sunday aftir þe natiuite of oure lady.1465Mann. & Househ. Exp. (Roxb.) 302 The Munday next affter our Lady day the Natyvyte.1495Act 11 Hen. VII, c. 25 §6 At the fest of the Nativyte of oure Lord.1556W. Towerson in Hakluyt Voy. (1589) 104 The 25. day being the day of the natiuitie of Christ.1642C. Vernon Consid. Exch. 83 Those to bee paid at the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord God.1659H. L'Estrange Alliance Div. Off. 136 The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ was now at hand.1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v., When we say absolutely the nativity, it is understood of that of Jesus Christ, or the feast of Christmas.1883Encycl. Brit. XV. 592/2 The Nativity of Mary..was appointed to be observed by the Synod of Salzburg in 800.
3. Birth, in ordinary contexts.
1382Wyclif Ezek. xxix. 14, Y shal sette hem to gydre..in to the loond of her natiuyte.1390Gower Conf. III. 77 He which hath the child begete..The time of his nativite..Awaiteth.c1420Pallad. on Husb. vii. 207 Se where is the kingis natiuite.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 14 In þe first part sall ȝe se His nation and hes natyuyte.1535Coverdale Ecclus. xxiii. 14 Lest thou..wyshe not to haue bene borne, and so curse the daye of thy natiuite.1590Shakes. Com. Err. iv. iv. 32, I haue serued him from the houre of my Natiuitie to this instant.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus iii. 5 Many euen old men,..who know no nativity but one of Adam and Eve.1672Sir T. Browne Let. Friend §5 If it could be made out that such who have easie nativities have commonly hard deaths.1712M. Henry Reformat. Serm. Wks. 1853 II. 489/1 Hearty well-wishers to the land of their nativity.1771Antiq. Sarisb. 235 William Horman had his nativity in Newstreet, Sarum.1820Shelley Fiordispina 14 Which could not be But by dissevering their nativity.
b. transf. and fig.
1535Coverdale Wisd. vi. 22 As for wyszdome,..I..wil seke her out from y⊇ begynnynge of the natiuyte.1590Shakes. Mids. N. iii. ii. 125 Looke when I vow I weepe; and vowes so borne, In their natiuity all truth appeares.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. vi. (1686) 17 Plagiary had not its Nativity with Printing.1652French Yorksh. Spa vi. 56 For the better illustration of this nativity of salts.1684T. Burnet Th. Earth iii. 40 Here you see the birth and nativity of the sea, or of Oceanus, describ'd.1831Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Newspapers 35 Yrs. Ago, The jealous waters..reluctant to have the humble spot of their nativity revealed.1886Ruskin Præterita I. iv. 124 The native architectural instinct is instantly developed in these,—highly notable for any one who cares to note such nativities.
c. of one's nativity, belonging to one by birth, natural. Obs. rare.
After vultus nativitatis in the Vulgate (Jas. i. 23).
1582N.T. (Rhem.) Jas. i. 23 A man beholding the countenance of his nativitie in a glasse.1660N. Ingelo Bentiv. & Ur. i. (1682) 121, I see the face of my nativity.
4. Birth considered astrologically; a horoscope.
1390Gower Conf. I. 55 Bot upon here nativite Such was the constellacion [etc.].c1391Chaucer Astrol. ii. §4 Yit is the planete in horoscopo, be it in natiuite or in eleccioun.1508Dunbar Poems vii. 74 Hie furius Mars..Rong in the hevin at thyne natiuite.1563Mirr. Mag., Somerset vii, A straunge natiuitie in calculation.1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 15 Those who have Mars Lord in their Nativities, become either Souldiers or Trades-men.1660Pepys Diary 24 Oct., Mr. Booker..did tell me a great many fooleries which may be done by nativities.1708Swift Predict. for 1708, Wks. 1755 II. i. 150, I have consulted the star of his nativity by my own rules.1815Scott Guy M. iii, I will calculate his nativity according to the rule of the Triplicities.c1850Arab. Nts. (Rtldg.) 448 The king called an assembly of all the astrologers.., and ordered them to calculate the nativity of his child.
5. a. Birth as determining nationality.
1592West 1st Pt. Symbol. §46 l, Natural capacitie by birth, which euerie liege subject being borne within her Maiesties dominions hath by his natiuitie.1785Paley Mor. Philos. (1818) II. 133 The circumstance of nativity, that is of claiming and treating as subjects all those who are born within the confines of their dominions.1821–30Ld. Cockburn Mem. (1856) 296 He owed this to his Scotch nativity and education.1870Anderson Missions Amer. Bd. II. xx. 161 His Irish nativity, and consequent right to receive British protection.
b. Birth with reference to descent or breeding.
c1550H. Rhodes Bk. Nurture 678 in Babees Bk. (1868) 101 A Gentleman should mercy vse to set forth his natiuitye.1587Golding De Mornay xxiv. (1592) 363 Thereby they were certified of their original natiuitie.
6. The condition of being born a serf. Obs. rare.
1609Skene Reg. Maj. 91 The third kinde of nativitie, or bondage.Ibid., Gif he..flees away fra his maister, or denyes to him his nativitie.
7. Indigenousness.
1871Trans. New Zealand Inst. IV. 238 On the Nativity in New Zealand of Polygonum aviculare.
8. attrib. and Comb., as nativity-caster, nativity-ceremony, nativity-day, nativity-song, nativity-water; nativity-broth, (?); nativity-pie, ? a Christmas pie.
1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xi. xxiii. (1886) 172 Who shall obtaine everlasting live by meanes of constellations, as nativitie-casters affirme.1605B. Jonson Volpone i. i, A precise illuminate brother..will drop you forth a libel, or a sanctified lie, Betwixt every spoonful of a nativity-pie.1614Barth. Fair i. ii, My mother has had her natiuity-water cast lately by the Cunning men in Cow-lane.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 156 This Warre was the Epoche, the Nativity day from whence all the series of this Kings troubles are to be compiled.1665Wither Lord's Prayer 31 A Complement more Magnificent then the Nativity-Ceremonies, of all other Kings put together.Ibid., A Celestial Army celebrated his Birth, with a Nativity-Song.1674T. Flatman Belly God 107 There is your French Pottage, Nativity broth, Yet that of Fetter lane exceeds them both.




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