

单词 reproachful
释义 reproachful, a.|rɪˈprəʊtʃfʊl|
1. Full of reproach or shame; shameful, disgraceful. Also, deserving of reproach or censure; blameworthy. Obs. (common in 17th c.).
1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. 1 Cor. 5 By the vyle, lowe and reprochefull crosse of Christe.Ibid. 31 Well maye she be coumpted reprochefull, yf she..shewes her owne unshamefastenesse.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. i. 9 Full of disdainefull wrath he fierce uprose For to revenge that fowle reprochefull shame.1606L. Bryskett Civ. Life 87 Esteeming more an honest and a glorious death then a naturall and reprochfull life.1666Bp. S. Parker Free & Impart. Censure (1667) 238 He yielded himself up to a most reproachful death.1681R. L'Estrange Tully's Offices 9 To be Ignorant, and to be deceived, we look upon as a wretched, and a reproachful thing.1737Whiston Josephus, Hist. Pref. §5 It must be reproachful to write lies when they must be known..to be such.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. Pref. 3 It would be reproachful for them to suffer this ignorance to continue.
b. Discreditable, disreputable. Obs. rare.
1581Savile Tacitus, Hist. (1591) 104 Thither resorted also of the baser sort certaine well knowen to Vitellius..with which kinde of reprochfull acquaintance he was delited wonderfully.1655tr. Sorel's Com. Hist. Francion xii. 38 Hortensius..advised him to take heed how he adventured again to see for Forrage in such reproachfull places.
c. Const. to a person, etc. Obs.
1584Cogan Haven Health (1636) 276 Inhærere libris, which never yet was reproachfull to a student.1670G. H. Hist. Cardinals iii. ii. 262 A subject indeed too scandalous and reproachfull to the whole Colledge.1765Burke Corr. (1844) I. 77 His conduct in public affairs has been very reproachful to himself and extremely disgustful to me.
2. Full of reproach, reproof, or censure; upbraiding, abusive.
1548Elyot, Contumeliosus,..spitefull, reprochfull.1565Cooper Thesaurus s.v. Contumelia, To rate with reprochfull woordes.1588Shakes. Tit. A. ii. i. 55 Not I, till I haue..Thrust these reprochfull speeches downe his throat.1648Milton Observ. Art. Peace Ormond Wks. 1851 IV. 561 A long digression of evill and reproachfull language to the Parlament and Army of England.a1656Hales Gold. Rem. (1673) i. 98 He is rewarded with no less reproachful a name then that of Satan.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. xviii. 252 Neither are mere reproachful words, as calling a man knave or liar, any breach of the peace.1832Lytton Eugene A. i. viii, Walter, your voice is reproachful!1866Mrs. Gaskell Wives & Dau. I. 296 ‘It's Lady Harriet’, said Mrs. Gibson..in reproachful dismay.
absol.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xix. (Arb.) 218, I choose to name him the Reprochfull or scorner.
3. Derogatory to a person, etc. Obs. rare.
1570–4G. Scott Treat. Errors Rom. Ch. in Farr S.P. Eliz. (1845) II. 522 Accursed is the worke, Reprochefull unto God.1645E. Pagitt Heresiogr. (1662) 140 That assertion is reproachfull to the wisedome of God.




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