

单词 Ned Kelly
释义 Ned Kelly Austral.|nɛd ˈkɛlɪ|
The name of the most famous Australian bush-ranger (1857–1880), used allusively to designate one of reckless courage or unscrupulous business dealings. colloq. See also game a.1 2.
1941Baker Dict. Austral. Slang 41 Kelly, Ned, any person of buccaneering business habits.1945‘R. Rene’ Mo's Memoirs 24 He was game as Ned Kelly, and he'd ride anything.1953D. Cusack Southern Steel 41 Is that kid game? Game as Ned Kelly.1953R. Braddon in I. Bevan Sunburnt Country 129 Such a feat of bluff is known to Australians as a ‘Ned Kelly’... It is phrases such as ‘do a Ned Kelly’ that lend so much verve and colour to the Australian serviceman's vocabulary.1958H. D. Williamson Sunlit Plain 90 In fact, to pay him his due compliment, he was as game as Ned Kelly.1965J. O'Grady Aussie English 62 Included in this Ned Kelly category are..characters who overcharge for mediocre work and services, and the bloke who sells you a second⁓hand, guaranteed, ‘every bit as good as new..’ vehicle, which falls to pieces in the first hundred miles.Ibid., To say that a man is ‘as game as Ned Kelly’, on the other hand, is to praise him highly. It means that he..is brave to the point of recklessness in the face of any odds.1966D. Crick Period of Adjustment 66 ‘Are you game?’ ‘As Ned Kelly.’1973Guardian 19 Mar. 7/7 Sporty boys now..peer out of the windowed skull of the full-face [crash] helmet dubbed Ned Kelly.1974Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 20 Aug. 12/5 Mr. Bizzell said the council offered him {pstlg}740 for 74 perches of land, including a 33 perch block he had levelled... ‘They are just Ned Kellys,’ he said. ‘They certainly won't put it back on the market without making a handsome profit.’
2. Rhyming slang for ‘belly’.
1945Baker Austral. Lang. xv. 271 Here are a few examples of undisguised rhyme that seem to be Australian:..Port Melbourne Pier, an ear; Ned Kelly, the belly.1960J. Franklyn Dict. Rhyming Slang 100/1 Ned Kelly, belly.1970Private Eye 27 Mar. 16 If I don't get a drop of hard stuff up me old Ned Kelly there's a good chance I might chunder in the channel.




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