

单词 repulsion
释义 repulsion|rɪˈpʌlʃən|
[ad. late L. repulsiōn-em, n. of action f. repellĕre: cf. repulse n. and v., and F. répulsion (1450 in Godef.).]
1. Repudiation, divorce. Obs. rare.
1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy v. xxxvi. (1555), He..The Kinges doughter hath vtterly forsake And in all haste did a libell make And forge a writ of repulsyon.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) VI. 381 The qwene..takynge a libelle of repudy, of repulsion, entrede a monastery.
2. a. The action of forcing or driving back or away.
1547Acts Privy Council (1890) II. 534 A violent and tumultuous repultion of the watchmen of the cittie, from and out of their said liberties.1624Wotton Archit. in Reliq. (1672) 38 Then there is a repulsion of the Fume, by some higher Hill or Fabrick that shall overtop the Chimney.1631Celestina vi. 75 Shee hath eyes which let flye darts of repulsion.1736Warburton Alliance betw. Ch. & State iii. iii, Evil which proceeds not from the will is called a mischief; and may be simply repelled; and this repulsion is called restraint.1788Trifler No. 19. 259 Whatever has tended to the repulsion of barbarity, and the improvement of civilization, is an object on which panegyric can never be exhausted.1817Jas. Mill Brit. India I. ii. vi. 256 The sacred lamp was lighted for the repulsion of evil spirits.1820Ranken Hist. France VII. i. ii. 80 The repulsion of the Spanish army under the Archduke Albert from Picardy.
b. Med. The action of repelling humours, eruptions, etc., from the affected parts; a means of effecting this.
1725Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Wounds, A Repulsion must be made in the beginning, that is, you must divert the Course of the Humours, and prevent their falling upon the Wound: Bleeding is the best Repulsion.1773T. Percival Ess. II. 214 Complaints, which had succeeded the sudden repulsion of an eruption on his foot, by means of an astringent bath.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) IV. 433 There is also a greater tendency..to a sickness, or some other disorder of the stomach, upon repulsion by cold.
3. a. Physics. The action of one body in repelling another; tendency of bodies to increase their mutual distance. (Opposed to attraction.)
1725N. Robinson Th. Physick Pref. 9, I have often thought all the several Principles of Philosophy might be comprehended under the two distinct Terms of Attraction and Repulsion.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XVI. 85/2 Repulsion, as well as attraction, has of late been considered as one of the primary qualities of all matter.1830Herschel Stud. Nat. Phil. 297 The production of motion by the mutual attractions and repulsions of distant or contiguous masses.1850Daubeny Atom. The. iv. (ed. 2) 125 The force of repulsion..tends to keep the particles of an aëriform fluid at a certain distance apart.1866R. M. Ferguson Electr. (1870) 7 We may conclude that magnetic attraction and repulsion takes place only between magnets temporary or permanent.
attrib.1882S. P. Thomson Electr. & Magn. 212 Repulsion Electrometers.1891–Electrom. 288 Repulsion Apparatus.
b. transf. Tendency to separate or put further apart, to introduce division or difference, etc.
1843Gladstone Glean. (1879) V. i. 59 Where their influence..is necessarily at an end.., nay rather, where it is converted into a force of absolute, of most powerful repulsion.1876T. Le M. Douse Grimm's L. 78 What we are here concerned with is the process of ethnic and linguistic repulsion.
c. Genetics. The condition of two genes, in an individual heterozygous at each of two linked loci, when the dominant allele of each occurs on the same chromosome as the recessive allele of the other. Opp. coupling vbl. n. 6 e.
[1908Science 15 May 786/1 When in F1 the two dominants, femaleness and the grossulariata factor coexist, there is a repulsion between them, such that each gamete takes one or other of these two factors, not both.1911Proc. R. Soc. B. LXXXIV. 3 We were therefore led to recognize—A. A system of partial coupling under which two factors are generally associated. B. A system of complete repulsion (or as we have sometimes called it ‘spurious allelomorphism’) under which two factors are never associated in the same gamete.]1926,1970[see coupling vbl. n. 6 e].1977Mather & Jinks Introd. Biometrical Genetics viii. 203 The associated distribution will lead to coupling linkage in F1 and so may be denoted by C, while the dispersed distribution will give repulsion linkage and so may be denoted by R.
4. Influence tending to repel one from a person or thing; dislike, aversion, repugnance.
1751Johnson Rambler No. 160 ⁋5 There are many natures which..seem to start back from each other by some invincible repulsion.1847Emerson Poems, Visit, If Love his moment overstay, Hatred's swift repulsions play.1863Geo. Eliot Romola xv, There was an unconquerable repulsion for her in that monkish aspect.1871B. Taylor Faust (1875) II. iii. i. 169 Strong repulsion written on thy brow I see.
5. attrib. repulsion motor Electr., an a.c. commutator motor for single-phase operation in which current is supplied to the stator only, the armature being short-circuited through the brushes and its current induced from the stator winding.
1904E. B. Raymond Alternating Current Engin. iv. 187 The repulsion motor..can be used as an electric brake.1920Whittaker's Electr. Engineer's Pocket-bk. (ed. 4) 229 The repulsion motor is the simplest and commonest of all a.c. commutator motors.1972C. C. Barnes et al. Electrics 72/73 148 A repulsion motor has a single-field winding and a wound rotor with a centrifugal device to short-circuit the commutator.




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