

单词 neuron
释义 neuron, neurone Anat. and Biol.|ˈnjʊərɒn, -rəʊn|
[a. Gr. νεῦρον sinew, cord, nerve.]
1. The cerebro-spinal axis; the spinal cord and brain.
1884Wilder in N.Y. Med. Jrnl. 2 Aug. 114.
2. A process of a nerve-cell. Obs.
1893[see dendron].1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 181 Golgi has shewn that every nerve-cell possesses one process, the ‘neuron’ which becomes the axis cylinder process of a nerve.1897Med. Chron. VII. 234 We notice that Mr. Schäfer uses the word ‘neuron’ in a somewhat different sense from that applied to it by Waldeyer, who used it—and we believe that in his sense it is extensively, if not universally, used—to denote a nerve cell with all its processes. Mr. Schäfer uses it to designate the axis-cylinder process of a nerve cell.1930Hartridge & Haynes Histol. 114 Nerve processes are of two kinds, long and short. The long are called axons, axis cylinders,..and neurons.
3. A nerve-cell with its appendages. [a. G. neuron (W. Waldeyer 1891, in Berliner klin. Wochenschr. 13 July 691/1).]
The spellings neuron |ˈnjʊərɒn| and neurone |ˈnjʊərəʊn| are both still widely current.
1891Brain XIV. 569 [Abstr. of Waldeyer, 1891] Thus a nerve element, a nerve entity, or ‘neuron’, as I propose to call it, consists..of the following pieces:—(a) a nerve cell, (b) the nerve process, (c) its collaterals, and (d) the end⁓branching.1896P. Kropotkin in 19th Cent. Aug. 258 The microscopical units of which the nervous system is built up—the so-called ‘neurons’, whose protoplasmic ramifications intimately penetrate into the tissues.1896L. F. Barker in Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. VII. 201/1 Van Gehuchten has adopted Waldeyer's word, spelling it in French ‘le neurone’, and French writers generally employ it. The leading investigators in Spain and Italy have also adopted the same term... The question arises, how is Waldeyer's form to be anglicized? Would it be justifiable to bring it into English through the French and to spell it neurone, pronounced neurōne, or could it be brought into English directly from the Greek and be so spelled and pronounced?1899Macpherson Mental Affections 83 Each neuron is a distinct, separate and independent organic unit, composed of a cell body containing a nucleus and nucleolus and of several processes.1904E. B. Titchener tr. Wundt's Physiol. Psychol. I. vi. 326 This spatial connexion may..consist either in the immediate proximity of neurones lying upon the same side of the brain, or in the union of distant areas by association fibres.1939W. E. Le Gros Clark Tissues of Body xii. 294 Within the central nervous system impulses are conducted from one part to another along a chain of neurones.1950A. Huxley Themes & Variations i. 94 The gulf between thought..and..neurones and electric charges is just as wide as that which in Biran's day divided thought from fluids and fibres.1964New Scientist 10 Sept. 643/1 The brain is estimated to contain ten thousand million nerve cells (neurons) and ten times as many glial cells.1971J. Z. Young Introd. Study Man xxii. 296 Neurons are probably lost steadily in the later decades of life.1973H. M. Ráliš et al. Techniques Neurohistol. i. 16 The nerve cell can make contact with a large number of other neurones through the multiple branches of dendrites.
4. Special Comb: neuron(e theory, the theory (now generally accepted) that the nervous system is composed of individual cells which, though effectively in contact with one another, are structurally distinct units all derived from a single neuroblast in the embryo.
1897Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic LXXVIII. 565/1 (heading) The histological basis of the neuron theory.1939W. E. Le Gros Clark Tissues of Body xii. 320 At one time the neurone theory excited considerable controversy, and even to-day some anatomists question its validity.1972M. L. Barr Human Nervous Syst. ii. 9/1 The Neuron Theory, as opposed to the view that nerve cells form a continuous reticulum, was advanced by His on the basis of embryological studies, by Forel on the basis of the response of nerve cells to injury, and by Ramón y Cajal from his observations with silver staining methods... Wholly convincing evidence in support of the Neuron Theory had to await the introduction of electron microscopy.
Hence neuˈronic a. (now a less common word than neuronal a.).
1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 490 Diagram illustrating the Neuronic System.1906Athenæum 1 Sept. 246/2 The controversy on the neuronic theory still continues.1931Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. XXII. 141 If there be some such automatic regulating device in the neuronic mechanism, we must assume that it is in operation in the intact animal.1964S. Duke-Elder Parsons' Dis. Eye (ed. 14) xxii. 334 The disease is a primary lipid neuronic degeneration of the whole of the central nervous system.




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