

单词 nightgale
释义 ˈnightgale Obs.
Forms: 1 necti-, nectægalæ, næctægela, nacthegelæ, næcte-, nehtæ-, næhtegale, nihtegala, 1–3 nihte-, 3–4 nyhte-, 5–6 nyght(e)-, 5 nightgale, (Sc. nicht-).
[OE. nęhte-, nihtegale, etc. = OS. nahta-, nahtigala (MDu. nachtegal, -gael, Du. -gaal), OHG. nahta-, nahte-, nahtigala, etc. (MHG. nahtegal, G. nachtigall), ON. nǽtrgali (Da. nattergal, Sw. näktergal), f. Teut. naht- night n. + galan to sing, gale v.1]
The nightingale.
c725Corpus Gloss. (Hessels) L 330 Luscinia, naectegale.Ibid. A 121 Achalantis.., nehtęgale.a1250Owl & Nightingale (Jesus MS.) 4 Iherde ich holde grete tale An vle and one nyhtegale.Ibid. 13 Þe nihtegale bigon þo speke.a1310in Wright Lyric P. 92 When the nyhtegale singes, the wodes waxen grene.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxv. 117 Laneres, sagres, sperhawkes, nyghtgales syngand, and papeiays spekand.1435Misyn Fire of Love 102 It is sayd þe nyghtgale to songe & melody all nyght is gyfyn.c1450Holland Howlat 715 The blyth Lark that begynnis, And the Nychtgalis.1483Cath. Angl. 254/2 A Nyghte gale; filomena.




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