

单词 Nimrod
释义 Nimrod|ˈnɪmrɒd|
Also 6 Nemroth, -rod.
[From the name of Nimrod (Heb. Nimrōd), described in Gen. x. 8–9 as ‘a mighty one in the earth’ and ‘a mighty hunter before the Lord’.]
1. A tyrannical ruler; a tyrant. Obs.
1545Bale Image Both Ch. i. Pref. A vj, The boistuous tirauntes of Sodoma with their great Nemroth Winchester,..wyll sturre about them.1599Hakluyt Voy. II. i. 309 These mighty Nimrods fled some into holes and some into mountaines.1607Hieron Wks. I. 430 The griping Nimrods of the world reioyce in their taking men vpon aduantages.1652Owen Christ's Kingdom Wks. 1851 VIII. 373 Pouring forth sundry vials of his wrath upon great Nimrods and oppressors.1697Collier Ess. Mor. Subj. i. (1703) 55 These Nimrods, say they, grew great by the strength of their limbs and their vices.
2. A great hunter; one who is fond of, or given to, hunting.
1712Addison Spect. No. 371 ⁋9 As I look upon you to be the greatest Sportsman, or, if you please, the Nimrod among this Species of Writers.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. xxxiii. 409 The game laws have raised a little Nimrod in every manor.1780Cowper Progr. Err. 86 The sportsman and his train.., the Nimrod of the neighbouring lairs.1835W. Irving Tour Prairies 139 The deer started up.., and our young Nimrods dash off in pursuit.1863Kearley Links in Chain xii. 261 That modern nimrod Captain Gordon Cumming.
Hence ˈNimrodded ppl. a. (see quot.). Nimˈrodian a., resembling Nimrod, esp. as a hunter; characteristic of, or connected with, Nimrod; so Nimˈrodic(al a. ˈNimrodize v. intr., to act like Nimrod; to play the tyrant.
1836Fraser's Mag. XIII. 233 The worthy old bishop might be said to be regularly *Nimrodded, as the term for a well summered hunter now is.
1631R. H. Arraignm. Whole Creature viii. 57 Like the *Nimrodian builders of Babell.Ibid. xix. 330 The great Nimroddian Hunter the Divell.1825Engl. Life I. 214 Any of my father's Nimrodian friends.1857Breen Mod. Eng. Lit. 138 The tally-ho, or Nimrodian style..of composition consists in starting some fresh idea at the beginning of every paragraph; in losing sight of it as soon as it is started; and in pursuing in its stead the first stray conceit that turns up.
1850Chamb. Jrnl. XIV. 72 The *Nimrodic passion which haunts the mind of..Gordon Cumming.1877Dawson Orig. World xii. 260 The more eastern remnants of the Nimrodic empire.
1796Mod. Gulliver 79 Horsemen and all, in grand *nimrodical display, entered the court.
1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. ii. ii. 46 If..now contagion of corrupted dayes Leave any tract of *Nimrodizing there.1614C. Brooke Ghost Rich. III, Poems (Grosart) 81 For a crowne who would not Nimrodize?




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