

单词 noblety
释义 ˈnoblety Obs.
Forms: 4 noblete, 4–5 nobilte; 5 nobylte, nobeltee, -di; 6 nobiltie.
[a. OF. nobleté (-ti): see noble a. and -ty.]
Nobility, nobleness; splendour.
1340–70Alex. & Dind. 192 Þe kidde king alixandre..þat name haþ of noblete.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) I. 235 For to hiȝte þe noblete of þe citee þe Romaynes made a wommans ymage in bras.Ibid. VIII. 15 Nyh al þe nobilte of Cristen men deide þat tyme.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 179 Precious stones, riche clothis, and grete nobeldi.Ibid. 203 Of dyuers..necessary nobilteis of the vertu of orison.a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 110 The feste, where there was gret nobeltee and plente of richesses.1500–20Dunbar Poems xxi. 26 All gentrice and nobiltie Ar passit out of he degre.




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