

单词 noisome
释义 noisome, a.|ˈnɔɪsəm|
Forms: 4 noȝesum, 5–8 noysome (6–7 -som, 6 -sum), 6–8 noisom, 6– noisome.
[f. noy n.1 or v. + -some.]
1. Harmful, injurious, noxious.
1382Wyclif Prov. i. 22 Hou longe..foolis tho thingus that ben noȝesum to them shul coueiten?1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (Percy Soc.) 9 Nought is more noysom to flocke, cotage, ne folde, Than sodayne tempeste, and unprovyed colde.1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII, c. 1 Suche bookes, writinges,..teachinges, and instructions, as be pestiferous, and noysome.1578Lyte Dodoens 516 That with the red flowers groweth in moyst medowes, and is very noysome to the same.1609Holland Amm. Marcell. xxii. v. 193 No savage beasts are so noisom and hurtful to men, as Christians are to themselves.1650Venner Via Recta 98 All fat is of itself ill and noysome to the stomack.1693Evelyn De la Quint. Compl. Gard. II. 4 Those Branches which, as noisom and useless, must be taken from it.1718Prior Solomon iii. 125 The noisome pestilence..marches through the midday air.1784Cowper Task iii. 671 The rank society of weeds, Noisome, and ever greedy to exhaust Th' impoverish'd earth.1845Hirst Poems 50 Begirt with noisome ivy vines That shroud me like a pall.1868Morris Earthly Par. I. i. 50 Fair streams we saw,..But nothing noisome for a man to fear.
2. Offensive to the sense of smell; ill-smelling.
1577Nottingham Rec. IV. 169 We do present the yssue..to be vere noysum and nedefull to be scoured.1579W. Wilkinson Confut. Fam. Love 60 b, The more myer is stirred, the sauour is the noysomer.1600Dekker Gentle Craft 19 Sweepe me these kennels that the noysome Stench offende not the nose of my neighbours.1642Rogers Naaman 28 Held under with his filthy noysome malady.1678R. L'Estrange Seneca's Mor. (1702) 324 When we are abroad,..we can bear well enough with..nasty streets, noisom Ditches.1712Arbuthnot John Bull i. xvi, Such a noisome infectious Breath, as threw all the servants, that dressed her, into consumptions.1748Anson's Voy. i. v. 58 These operations were extremely necessary for correcting the noisom stench.1785Burke Sp. Nabob of Arcot's Debts Wks. 1842 I. 345 A bloated, putrid, noisome carcass, full of stench and poison.1818M. W. Shelley Frankenst. xiii. (1865) 169 His blind and aged father..lay in a noisome dungeon, while he enjoyed the free air.1879H. George Progr. & Pov. vii. ii. (1881) 318 In squalid garrets and noisome cellars women work away their lives.
3. Disagreeable, unpleasant, offensive.
c1440York Myst. xxxii. 99 Sir, a noysomemare note newly is noysed.1542Lam. & Piteous Treat. in Harl. Misc. (1745) IV. 511 The Waye is altogether in a Maner noysome, croked ouertwhart, and in many Places narowe.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 89 Where plots full of nettles be noisome to eie, Sowe therevpon hemp seed, and nettle will die.1589R. Harvey Pl. Perc. (1860) 10 Me thinks the clacke of thy mill, is somewhat noisome to the whole countrey.1607Topsell Hist. of Four-f. Beasts (1658) 511 She roareth,..and uttereth such a fearfull, noysome, and terrible clamor.1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 131 Seeing melancholy makes a man noysome, both to him⁓selfe and others.1861J. Tulloch Eng. Puritanism 231 He poured forth the vials of his most noisome wrath in reply.1899W. James Talks to Teachers (1904) 58 Even such a noisome thing as a collection of postage stamps.
4. Annoying, troublesome. Obs. rare.
1548Patten Exped. Scotl. P j, The churche of Annan, a strong place, and uery noysum alway vnto oure men.1570Satir. Poems Reform. xiii. 116 Ane noysum nychtbour proude in oppressioun.1653More Antid Ath. iii. ix. (1712) 114 One that..was often infested with the noisom occursions of that troublesome Ghost.
Hence ˈnoisomely adv. rare.
1589Rider Bibl. Schol., Noisomely, infeste, perniciose.1633Bp. Hall Occas. Medit. §86 Now that it is stuffed thus noysomely, all helpes are too little to countervaile that sent of corruption.




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