

单词 no mo
释义 no mo, n. and a. Obs.
Forms: α. 1 ná má, 3–4 (6 Sc.) na ma, 3–4 nama, 3–5 (6 Sc.) no ma, 6 Sc. na mea, 9 nae mae. β. 3–4, 6 na mo, 3–4 nāmo; 4–5 no moo (5 noo), nomo, 4–6 no mo, 6–7, 9 no moe.
[f. no adv.2 + mo, quasi-n.1 and a. For adverbial uses see mo adv.]
No more (in number).
α971Blickl. Hom. 35 Ne bið þara fæstendaᵹa na ma þonne syx & þritiᵹ.c1000ælfric Gram. xiv. (Z.) 89 Sume naman..habbað tweᵹen mislice casus and na ma on ᵹewunan.c1205Lay. 91 Nefede he boten ane sune{ddd}nefede he bern no ma.a1300Cursor M. 2269 Þe first bot an was and nama [Gott. na ma].c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 6523 A doughter had Dianot, & no ma.c1440Bone Flor. 1104 Now my lorde ys fro me tane, Y wyll love no ma But hym that boght me.a1560Rolland Crt. Venus ii. 823 In till hir Court (quod he) is thair na ma Bot sex Ladeis!1570Buchanan Admonit. Wks. (S.T.S.) 31 Scho sould beir na ma childrene to debar þame fra þe croun.1583Leg. Bp. St. Androis 614 Of honest men he had na mea.1809T. Donaldson Poems 40 Like her alake? I hae nae mae, Now Muffie's dead.
βc1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 109 On [þing] is þat þe sunne is on and nāmo.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 527 Ȝwanne þe geans were alle aslawe þat þer ne bileuede na mo [v.rr. nāmo, no mo].c1350Will. Palerne 1271 Strokes was þer delt na mo fram þe duk was take.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. ii. 234 Saue Mede þe Mayde na mo [v.rr. nama, no moo] durst abide.c1450Merlin 56 At this counseile were no mo but Pendragon and Vter.1485Caxton Paris & V. (1868) 35 He had but hyr onely and no moo sones ne doughters.1535Coverdale Eccl. iv. 8 There is one man, no mo but himself alone.1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 217 In that day, there issued no moe, but these three, out of the place of paines.1611Shakes. Cymb. iii. i. 36 There is no mo such Cæsars.1619T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 6 God's action in creating one man, and one woman, and no moe.1813Hogg Queen's Wake 255 My twenty men, I have no moe.




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