

单词 noontide
释义 noontide|ˈnuːntaɪd|
Forms: 1–2 nóntid; 4 nonetyde, 6 -tyd; 6–7 noonetide, 6 -tyd; 6– noontide.
[OE. nóntíd = MDu. noentijt (-tide, also noene-, none-; Du. noentijd), MHG. nôn(e)zît (G. none-, nonzeit), MSw. nonstidh: see noon n. and tide n.]
1. The time of noon; in later use, mid-day.
971Blickl. Hom. 47 Þriddan siþe on midne dæᵹ, feorþan siþe on nontid, fiftan siþe on æfen.c1000in Assmann Ags. Hom. (1889) xi. 65 Sona swa hy þæt belltacen ᵹehyrað þære niᵹoðan tide, þæt is seo nontid.1154O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1140, Þer efter..þestrede þe sunne & te dæi abuton non tid dæies þa men eten.c1325Orfeo 457 A morewe at the none-tyde He made the quene there abyde.a1440Sir Eglam. 364 Ageynys the none-tyde, Yn a foreste there he can ryde.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 409 All noontide to solace yourself in the refreshing shadowe.c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. cii. xiii, Turne not to night the noonetide of my day.1625N. Carpenter Geogr. Del. i. x. (1635) 223 The Sunne at Noonetide is alwayes on the South of those which dwell vnder the Arcticke Circle.1675Dryden Epil. Crowne's Calisto, Whose morning rays like noontide strike and shine.1768Beattie Minstr. i. xlvii, Dark even at noontide is our mortal sphere.1796–7Coleridge Lines Autumnal Even. vi, To shield my love from noontide's sultry beam.1844Mrs. Browning Drama of Exile 625 The noontide's hush and heat and shine.1868M. E. Braddon Dead Sea Fr. I. 20 In the blazing July noontide.
b. attrib., as noontide sun, etc.
1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, i. iv. 34 Now Phaeton hath..made an Euening at the Noone-tide Prick.1610Temp. v. i. 42 By whose ayde..I haue bedymn'd The Noone⁓tide Sun.1667Milton P.L. ii. 309 Still as Night, Or Summer's Noon-tide air.Ibid. iv. 246 Where the unpierc't shade Imbround the noontide Bowrs.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iii. 233 Mossy Caverns for their Noontide Lare.1725Pope Odyss. iv. 548 Th' enormous herd..taints the noon-tide gales.1781Cowper Truth 540 The splendour of a noon-tide ray.1810Scott Lady of L. iii. vii, Of noon⁓tide hag, or goblin grim.1865Baring-Gould Werewolves viii, Some reapers lay down in the field to take their noon⁓tide sleep.
2. a. transf. The middle of night; the position of the moon at midnight.
c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) iv. 66 Sum monebrunt madynis myld, At nonetyd of the nicht.1823Bryon Juan xii. lxiii, The noontide of the moon.1847De Quincey Secr. Soc. Wks. 1863 VI. 244 Meeting in secret chambers, at the noontide of night.
b. fig., esp. the culminating point of something.
1578Chr. Prayers in Priv. Prayers (1851) 506 O noontide of fervent love.1649T. Ford Lusus Fort. 78 Whose eyes, in the noone-tide of the Gospell, are wandring about in every corner.1680Life Edward II in Select. fr. Harl. Misc. (1793) 30 Making the noon-tide of his sovereignty full of tyrannical oppressions.1823Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Poor Relations, A Poor Relation—is..a preposterous shadow, lengthening in the noontide of your prosperity.1876Morris Sigurd i. 2 His dawning of fair promise, and his noontide of the strife.
3. The Noon-flower or Goat's-beard. ? Obs.
1597Gerarde Herbal (1636) 736 Goats-beard is called..in English..Noon-tide, and Go to bed at noone.1640Parkinson Theat. Bot. 413 Tragopogon..in English Goates beard..or Noone tide.1864in Prior Plant-names.




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