

单词 north country
释义 north ˈcountry
[north a. 2.]
1. The northern part of any country; spec. of England (beyond the Humber) or Great Britain; the country or region towards the north.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 7978 Hii..barnde & destrude þe norþ contreie vaste.1338R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 32 Men say he was fonden in þe North cuntre At Hexham now late.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 163 Ȝif þey gooþ to þe norþ contray þey gooþ wiþ greet..strengþe.1458in Gardner Hist. Dunwich (1754) 149 To Will. Roper when he went to the norre Contre for the Kyngs Viage.1535Coverdale Zech. vi. 8 These that go towarde the north, shal still my wrath in the north countre.1577Harrison England ii. v. (1877) i. 108 Here in England, especiallie in the north countrie.1611Bible Zech. vi. 6 The blacke horses..goe forth into the North countrey.1681Glanvill Sadducismus 5 It was, and sometimes yet is, as much discoursed of in the North-Countrey, as any thing.1768Beattie Minstr. i. xi, But he, I ween, was of the north countrie.1840Carlyle Heroes (1858) 198 In a greater proportion along the east coast; and greatest of all, as I find, in the North Country.
2. The dialect of the north of England. Also a native of the north country of England.
1698Lond. Gaz. No. 3357/4 He..speaks broad North Country.1706Ibid. No. 4214/4 Speaks North Country.1823J. G. Lockhart R. Dalton II. v. v. 289 You're north-country, I believe.1966Listener 7 Apr. 501/1, I can play cockney, I can play north country.1972C. Drummond Death at Bar ii. 60 ‘If you borrow you make bad friends’—a flash of honest north-country peeped through the trained accent.1974Times 30 Dec. 4/7 Gracie Fields..reverts to the characteristic mixture of North Country, standard English and American overtones.1975J. Mitchell Smear Job x. 69 Her accent was harshly Sicilian, but lurking in it was a hint of the North Country she had picked up from the soldiers.
3. attrib.
a. (Frequently hyphened.)
1674Ray Coll. Words (heading), North-countrey Words.1684Symson in Ramsay Remin. (1874) 212 Contrary to some north countrey people, they oftentimes pronounce ‘w’ for ‘v’.1703Lond. Gaz. No. 3898/4 Strong Voice, a North Country Pronunciation.1753–4Richardson Grandison (1781) V. 48 Aunt Nell, who has naturally a good blowzing north country complexion.1838Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 341/2 Eleven hundred and sixty-five pounds of ‘north country coals’.1871Ruskin Munera P. Pref. (1880) 19 A quiet north country town.1896D. C. Murray (title) A capful o' nails: a North-Country story.1933M. Allingham Sweet Danger x. 129 A comfortable, homely voice with an unexpected North Country accent.1959R. Longrigg Wrong Number ii. 30 They..left in a gruff welter of north-country gratitude.1964V. S. Naipaul Area of Darkness ix. 243 The newcomer was a commercial Englishman, middle-aged, fat and red-faced. He spoke with a North Country accent.
b. North-countryman, a native of the north of England.
1706Lond. Gaz. No. 4252/4 Jonathan Shipton, a North-Countryman.1711J. Greenwood Eng. Gram. 276 A Word common with the Scotch, and our North countreymen.1834Marryat P. Simple (1863) 196 The master, an old north-countryman, who knows his duty.1876L. Stephen Eng. Th. in 18th C. vi. II. 121 Paley is a hard-headed North-countryman.
Hence north-ˈcountriness.
1888Pall Mall G. 8 Mar. 3/2 There is a chill north-countriness over everything.




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