

单词 noways
释义 ˈnoways, adv.
Forms: α. 3 nanes, 4 nan-, 4, 6 Sc. na-. β. 3 nones, 3, 5 none, 5– no. Also 3 wei(e)s, 4, 7 waies, 5–7 wayes, 4, 6–7 wais, 6 Sc. wayis, 4, 6– ways.
[Orig. f. gen. sing. of none a. and way n.; in later use only the second element retains its inflection.]
= prec.
αc1205Lay. 11216 He ne mihte nanes weies [c 1275 none weies] cumen to þissere kineriche.c1230Hali Meid. 28 Him ne mai ha nanes weis..neauer mare leosen.a1300Cursor M. 26224 Þat mai nanwais elles be Bot men his opin penance see.c1375Ibid. 8742 (Fairf.), Quar-fore me þink..þe childe be na-ways done to ded.1563Winȝet Four Scoir Thre Quest. Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 67 Quhilk contrare our conscience..we dar naways attempt.1597Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1814) 128 The samin lykwayes nawayes previt that..article of the said summondis.
βa1225Ancr. R. 212 Nonesweis ne muwen heo loken þiderward.c1275[see above].13..Cursor M. 17951 (Arundel), Ȝit may he gete hit no wayes.a1425Ibid. 19652 (Trin.), Nouȝte he ete þo þre dayes, Ny siȝte saw he none wayes.c1550Cheke Matt. ii. 6 Thou art no wais y⊇ lest among y⊇ Princes of Juda.1648Gage West Ind. 17 No wayes fearfull of the naked Barbarians.1656H. Phillips Purch. Patt. 114, I no wayes find fault therewith.1702Pennsylv. Hist. Soc. Mem. IX. 153 They were tied up and could noways appear.1760–2Goldsm. Cit. W. lxviii, Age, however, has no ways impaired his usual health and vivacity.1813Southey Nelson I. 119 This was no ways imputable to the admiral.1887McNeill Blawearie 189 The situation..he was noways loath to accept.




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