

单词 nude
释义 I. nude, a. and n.|njuːd|
Also 8 nud.
[ad. L. nūd-us, whence also It. and Sp. nudo, Pg. and F. nu. In sense B. 2 the immediate source is the obs. F. form nud.]
A. adj.
1. Law.
a. Of statements, promises, etc.: Not formally attested or recorded.
1531Dial. on Laws Eng. i. xii. 21 b, That euery man by a nude parol and by a bare auerment shulde auoyde an oblygacyon.1532Ibid. ii. xxiii. 48 If a man seased of landes make a gyfte therof or graunte by a nude promyse.1594West 2nd Pt. Symbol., Chancerie §37 If by such nude averrments matters of record should be avoided.1607Cowell Interpreter s.v. Mater, Kitchin..saith, that nude mater is not of so high nature, as either a mater of Record or a Speciality.1634Irish Act 10 Chas. I Sess. ii. c. 1 Preamble, Wills and testaments..made by nude parolx and words.
b. nude contract or nude pact (see quots.).
1532Dial. on Laws Eng. ii. xxiv. 49 A nude contracte is when a man maketh a bargayn, or a sale of his goodes or landes without any recompence appoynted for it.1658Phillips, Nude contract, in Common-law, is a bare contract, or promise of any thing without assigning, or agreeing what another shall give.1766Blackstone Comm. II. xxx. 445 Any degree of reciprocity will prevent the pact from being nude.1875Poste Gaius iii. (ed. 2) 361 A nude pact creates no (civil) obligation, but creates a defence.
c. Of persons, esp. nude executor (see quots.).
1590Swinburne Testaments 176 If the testator giue his goods to one person, and make another executor: this executor is called Nude executor, for that he reapeth no commoditie by the testament.1726Ayliffe Parergon 269 A nude Executor here mention'd is no more than an Executor in Trust.1875Poste Gaius iii. (ed. 2) 422 Including the nude or nominal proprietor.
2. Naked, bare, mere, plain. Obs.
1551Cranmer Answ. Gardner (1580) 10 Is therfore the whole vse of the bread..but a naked or nude and bare token?1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 89 Yet this could be..but a nude conjecture.1667Waterhouse Fire London 34 A bare accident and a nude casualty.
3. a. Naked, bare; without covering or investment; devoid of furniture or decorations.
Given by Blount Glossogr. (1656), partly from Cotgrave, but app. not in actual use before the 19th c.
1866Treas. Bot., Nude,..bald from the total absence of hairs, or uncovered in consequence of the absence of any investing organs.1867M. E. Herbert Cradle L. iii. 85 A nude modern octagonal room.1879Stevenson Trav. Donkey (1886) 74 A broad nude valley in Vivarais.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 1124 The bladders may..remain entirely nude and free in the peritoneal cavity.1926E. O'Neill Great God Brown i. iii. 46, I am thy shorn, bald, nude sheep!1928Oxford Poetry 3 The pale, nude flowers That I Picked for you.1952E. O'Neill Moon for Misbegotten i. 38 It is full of nude rocks.1964D. Varaday Gara-Yaka xii. 102 (caption) Vultures like baubles on a nude tree.
Comb.1881Gard. Chron. XVI. 725 A west wall against which had been planted the nude-flowered Jasminum.
b. Of the human figure, or those parts of it which are usually clothed: Naked, unclothed, undraped. Also fig.
1845Punch VIII. 247 A regret that Etty should content himself with merely painting from ‘the nude Academy model’.1873Symonds Grk. Poets viii. 237 Of all the Greeks, essentially a nude nation, Aristophanes is the most naked.1879H. Phillips Notes Coins 1 The medals..bear..on their obverse the nude bust of that Empress.1880‘Ouida’ Moths I. 73 He was so used to seeing pretty nude feet at Trouville.1974Publishers Weekly 26 Aug. 250/3 A novel about a nude model who longs for true love.
c. Of a revue, show, photograph, etc.: involving or portraying nude, or lightly clad, figures (usu. female).
In quot. 1870 the actresses referred to were clothed in flesh-coloured tights.
1870O. Logan Before Footlights & Behind Scenes xv. 128 Bringing upon stage that hideous disgrace known as the ‘nude drama’, which took its rise with the flimsy absurdity called the ‘Black Crook’.1947Amer. Speech XXII. 171 America enthusiastically adopted the word..nude drama.1957J. Osborne Entertainer xiii. 86 Nude tableau, behind first act gauze.1959Sunday Times 16 Aug. 10/4 It is the later nude revue days of Collins's Music Hall.1959Listener 15 Jan. 132/3 The night-clubs in Calvin's city put on nude shows.Ibid. 6 Aug. 195/2 There are packed houses at nude revues.1972Daily Tel. 27 Nov. 17/6 An Italian magazine published nine pages of nude photographs of her last week.
4. As a colour, esp. of stockings, flesh-coloured.
1922Daily Mail 18 Dec. 2 (Advt.), Ladies' Hose... Black, white,.. taupe, navy, nude, and all shades.1926Galsworthy Silver Spoon ii. xii. 216 ‘Blue⁓stockings.’ ‘No, sir; they nearly all wear ‘nude’.’1931M. de la Roche Finch's Fortune ix. 156 She had on.. ‘nude’ stockings.1947Sun (Baltimore) 10 Sept. 5 Nude and white in sizes 33 to 40. Corset Shop, third floor.1973Philadelphia Inquirer (Today Suppl.) 14 Oct. 17/3 (Advt.), Choose black, brown, navy or nude calfskin.
5. Med. Of a mouse: homozygous for a mutant gene which produces apparent hairlessness and (in most cases) a grossly hypoplastic thymus gland.
1966S. P. Flanagan in Genetical Res. VIII. 295 [The hairless mutant was found by Dr. N. R. Grist of the Virus Laboratory, Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow... The name ‘nude’, symbol nu, has been adopted.]Ibid. 308 The majority of nude mice die of general body weakness within 2 weeks.1974Nature 20 Sept. 184/2 Nude mice have spread through the immunological world at a remarkable pace... The thymus abnormality leads to a marked deficiency in thymus-derived (T) lymphocytes and nude mice are rapidly replacing thymectomised mice as models of T cell deprivation and as a source of relatively pure B lymphocytes for in vitro studies.1975Ibid. 13 Mar. 140/2 (heading) Nude mice with normal thymus.
B. n.
1. a. A nude figure in painting or sculpture.
1708New View Lond. II. 824/2 A Nude or Nudity, is a naked Figure painted or sculpted, without Drapery (or Cloathing).a1849H. Coleridge Ess. (1851) I. 205 Are not the greatest masters almost as much celebrated for their draperies as for their nudes?1889Pall Mall G. 9 May 3/2 We went round the Academy noticing the..pictures, and dismissing..a certain number of nudes, babies, and portraits of nobodies.
b. A woman given to wearing very low-necked dresses. rare—1.
1816Spirit Public Jrnls. XIII. 273 As a link-boy was showing a certain fashionable nude, in Baker Street, out of her carriage [etc.].
2. a. With the. The undraped human figure; the representation of this in drawing, painting, or sculpture.
1760D. Webb Enq. Beauties Painting iv. 51 The result of this habit is evident, when our first artists come to design the nud.1782R. Cumberland Anecd. Painters I. 56 Being most in the nude, their crime will in some people's judgment appear their recommendation.1868Browning Ring & Bk. i. 58 Modern chalk drawings, studies from the nude.1887F. M. Crawford Saracinesca i, The French school had not [yet] demonstrated the startling distinction between the nude and the naked.
b. The condition of being undraped.
1856Mrs. Browning Aur. Leigh iii. 710 Stands sublimely in the nude, as chaste As Medicean Venus.1882Globe 14 Dec. 5/5 They had seen him modelling..from Miss Felden, who stood in the nude as a model.
3. Med. A nude mouse.
1968Nature 27 Jan. 371/1 (heading) Section of liver of an adult homozygote nude.1974Ibid. 20 Sept. 184/2 The T cell deficiency in nudes make them highly susceptible to infection (but apparently not to cancer) and they survive poorly in conventional animal houses.
Hence ˈnudely adv., barely, simply, plainly; ˈnudeness, the state of being nude or undraped.
1627Donne Serm. lxxxi. Wks. 1839 IV. 10 Being crudely and nudely taken, not decocted and boiled up.1882Ogilvie, Nudeness.1895Cent. Mag. Aug. 494/2 Whether the nudeness itself outraged his sense of propriety.
II. nude, v. rare.
[ad. L. nūd-āre, or f. nude a.]
1. trans. To denude; to deprive or strip (one) of something. Obs.
1551–2Burgh Rec. Prestwick (Maitl. Cl.) 62 The inquest..ordains hym to be nwdyt of his fredome.
2. To strip, unclothe, make naked.
1845T. Cooper Purgat. Suicides Wks. (1877) 30 They clothe with prudent mask The image from whose worship Man might swerve If nuded.




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