

单词 proportionate
释义 I. proportionate, a.|prəʊˈpɔəʃənət|
[ad. late L. prōportiōnāt-us proportioned, f. prōportiōn-em proportion + -ātus: see -ate2.]
1. Proportioned, adjusted in proportion; that is in due proportion. (In early use const. as pa. pple.)
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. v. ii. (Tollem. MS.), The hed schulde be mene betwene greet and lytele, and proporcionate in quantite to oþer membris [L. ad alia membra in quantitate proportionatum].1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) II. 181 A goode habitude of the mynde is signifiede when the membres be welle proporcionate as vn to figure, coloure [etc.].1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 232 No more is your giuing proportionate to my liking.1605Timme Quersit. i. iv. 18 The which..are so proportionate together..that a manifest signe..is found in this contrarietie.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 16 If they be reciprocally equal, the Head is called Proportionate.1758Johnson Idler No. 1 ⁋10 Ponderous bodies forced into velocity move with violence proportionate to their weight.1875Helps Soc. Press. xxv. 403 That the justly proportionate character was the one for which we finally reserved our admiration.
b. Adequately adapted; adequate. Obs.
1614Selden Titles Hon. 115 The speaking to them, in the singular Number, is very proportionat to their proper names.1680Allen Peace & Unity Pref. 4 When circumstances rendred others [institutions] more accomodate and more proportionate to his end.
2. Corresponding, analogous. Obs. rare—1.
1612Selden Illustr. Drayton's Poly-olb. ii. 37 It is wished..that some iudges, proportionat to those of the Græcian Games, (who alwayes..pulled downe the statues erected, if they exceeded the true symmetry of the victors) had giuen such exorbitant fictions their desert.
3. Mus. = perfect a. 10 a. Obs.
1609Douland Ornithop. Microl. 46 The Proportionate [tact] is that, whereby three Semibreefes are vttered against one (as in a Triple).
II. proportionate, v.|prəʊˈpɔəʃəneɪt|
[f. prec.: see -ate3 3; and cf. med.L. prōportiōnāre.]
1. trans. To make proportionate or proportional (to something); to adjust in proportion; = proportion v. 1.
1570Dee Math. Pref. a j, Proportionating to the Sommes bequeathed, the Contributions of eche part.1605Timme Quersit. ii. iv. 116 Salt, sulphur, and mercurie,..being..equally ballanced and proportionated,..make gold to be incorruptible.1615G. Sandys Trav. 78 The number of the conuiuals at priuate entertainments exceeded not nine, nor were vnder three, proportionating themselues vnto the Graces and Muses.c1790J. Imison Sch. Art i. 284 To proportionate them, so as to measure time regularly, is the design of calculation.1840Carlyle Heroes (1858) 253 A true inward symmetry, what one calls an architectural harmony, reigns in it, proportionates it all.
2. To be proportionate or in proportion to, to correspond to; = proportion v. 3. Obs.
1579–80[see proportionated ppl. a. below].1606J. King Serm. Sept. 30 Nether doth the former of these proportionate, nor the latter import any such presbytery as is now exacted.1654–66Earl of Orrery Parthen. (1676) 487 Our powers of gratitude proportionated our cause.Ibid. 523 Their sufferings have at least proportionated their Constancy.
3. To mete out in due proportion; to allot, apportion; = proportion v. 4, 5. Obs.
1650Jer. Taylor Holy Living i §2 (1727) 30 He proportionates out our trials, and supplies us with a remedy.
4. To form in its full proportions; to mould, fashion; = proportion v. 2. Obs.
1643R. O. Man's Mort. i. 1 When God had moulded, formed, and compleatly proportionated Adam out of the Dust of the ground.
Hence proˈportionated ppl. a. = proportioned; proˈportionating vbl. n.
1579–80North Plutarch (1676) 41 If they found [the child] fair, and well proportionated of all his Limbs and strong.1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God v. ii. (1620) 189 This..might haue much power in the proportionating of both their natures alike.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. ii. §1 (1622) 198 Some fitting and proportionated Obiect.1713Derham Phys. Theol. iv. iii. 127, I am clearly of Dr. Willis's opinion that the Use of the Ear-drum is chiefly for the proportionating Sounds.




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