

单词 obtundent
释义 obtundent, a. and n. Med.|əbˈtʌndənt|
[ad. L. obtundent-em, pr. pple. of obtundĕre to obtund.]
a. adj. Having the property of dulling sensibility.
b. n. A substance used to dull sensibility or allay irritation; a demulcent.
[1753Chambers Cycl. Supp., Obtundentia, a word used by some authors to express such medicines as are given to obtund, or edulcorate the acrimony of the humors.]1842Brande Dict. Sci., &c., Obtundents, mucilaginous, oily and other bland medicines, supposed to sheathe parts from acrimony, and to blunt that of certain morbid secretions.1864Webster cites Forsyth.1891Cent. Dict., Obtundent, I. a. Dulling; blunting.1898H. H. Burchard Text-bk. Dental Path. & Therapeutics vii. 538 Under the head of obtundents are included those agents which are applied locally to benumb the terminals of sensory nerves.1908J. D. Patterson in C. N. Johnson Text-bk. Operative Dentistry xxviii. 460 Obtundents. For the purpose of obtunding, many preparations have been advocated and many methods advised.1930W. H. O. McGehee Text-bk. Operative Dentistry xxiv. 700 An Obtundent Paste devised by Doctor J. Lewis Blass..used with splendid results.1961MacDougall & Nixon Guide to Dental Therapeutics viii. 115 When drugs are applied locally to relieve pain, they are referred to as local anaesthetics or obtundents.




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