

单词 occipito-
释义 occipito-|əkˌsɪpɪtəʊ|
before a vowel sometimes occipit-, used in Anat. as combining form of occiput, in adjs. expressing a relation or connexion between the occiput and another part, and denominating a ligament, muscle, measurement, etc.; as
occipito-ˈangular (see quot. 1890). occipito-anˈterior, denoting that form of vertex presentation in child-birth in which the occiput is directed away from the sacrum of the mother. oˌccipito-atˈlantal, -ˈatloid, pertaining to the occiput and the atlas vertebra. occipito-ˈaxial, -ˈaxoid, pertaining to the occiput and the axis vertebra. occipito-ˈfrontal, pertaining to, or extending between, the back of the head and the forehead; also ellipt. as n., the occipito-frontal muscle or occipitofrontalis, the large flat muscle of the scalp, composed of the occipital and frontal muscles with the epicranial aponeurosis connecting them. occipito-ˈhyoid, pertaining to the occiput and the hyoid bone. occipito-ˈmastoid, pertaining to the occiput and the mastoid process. occipito-ˈmental [L. mentum chin], pertaining to the occiput and the chin, extending between these points. occipito-ˈotic [Gr. οὖς, ὠτ- ear], pertaining to the occiput and the ear. occipito-paˈrietal, pertaining to the occipital and parietal bones. occipito-poˈsterior, denoting that form of vertex presentation in child-birth in which the occiput is directed towards the sacrum of the mother. occipitorˈbicular, connecting the occiput with an orbicular muscle. occipito-ˈscapular, pertaining to the occiput and the scapula or shoulder-blade. occipito-ˈsphenoid, -spheˈnoidal, pertaining to the occipital and sphenoidal bones. occipito-ˈtemporal, pertaining to the occipital and temporal bones.
1890Cent. Dict., *Occipito-angular, pertaining to or common to the occipital lobe and the angular convolution.1898Occipito-angular [see corticipetal a.].
1831C. D. Meigs tr. Velpeau's Elem. Treat. Midwifery v. 290 The English accoucheurs..bestow the title of natural labour only upon the *occipito-anterior position, while according to them, the occipito-posterior position belongs to the class of preternatural labour.1974Passmore & Robson Compan. Med. Stud. III. 11/1 (caption) Vertex presentation, left occipito-anterior position, well flexed.
1831R. Knox Cloquet's Anat. 178 Anterior *Occipito-Atlantal Ligament.
Ibid. 103 Another ligament named the *occipito-axoid.
[1746Parsons in Phil. Trans. XLIV. 8 The Office of the *Occipito-Frontalis is to pull the Skin of the Head backward, drawing up the Eye-brows.]1811Hooper Med. Dict., Occipito-frontalis..Occipito-frontal of Dumas.1857Bullock Cazeaux' Midwif. 220 The occipito-frontal extends from the occipital protuberance to the frontal boss.
1892Syd. Soc. Lex., *Occipito-hyoid muscle, an occasional muscle arising from the occipital bone and inserted into the hyoid bone.
1855Holden Hum. Osteol. (1878) 114 The ‘*occipito-mastoid suture’..connects the occipital with the mastoid portion of the temporal bone.
1857Bullock Cazeaux' Midwif. 221 The greatest circumference of the head corresponds with the *occipito-mental diameter.
1875Huxley in Encycl. Brit. I. 761/1 The squamosal..is..somewhat loosely united with the frontal and parietal and with the complex *occipito-otic bone.
1892Syd. Soc. Lex., *Occipito-parietal index, the relation between the transverse diameter of the skull and the distance from one asterion to the other, the former being taken at 100.
1831*Occipito-posterior [see occipito-anterior above].1971Brit. Med. Bull. XXVII. 49/1 Impaired performance was associated with toxaemia, occipitoposterior presentation and delivery in an ambulance.
1854Owen in Circ. Sc., Organ. Nat. I. 232 An *occipito-sphenoidal bone..formed..by the coalescence of the basioccipital with the basisphenoid.




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