

单词 occure
释义 I. occur, v.|əˈkɜː(r)|
Also 6–7 occurre, 7 occurr. Inflexions occurred, occurring.
[ad. L. occurrĕre to run to meet, run against, befall, present itself, occur, f. oc-, ob- (ob- 1 a, b) + curr-ĕre to run. Cf. obs. F. occurrer, occurrir to present itself, happen (16th c. in Godef.).]
1. intr. To run to meet a person, to run up (to the spot); to run against something or against each other, to meet, encounter. Obs.
1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. ii. 173 The Scottis..brekis in ower the nerrest prouince,..Trebellie occuris in al haist.1620Shelton Quix. iii. ii. I. 117 She was of a charitable nature..and did therefore presently occur to cure Don Quixote.1692Bentley Boyle Lect. vii. 235 The whole multitude might freely move..with very little occurring or interfering.1695Woodward Nat. Hist. Earth (1723) 200 Such of those Corpuscles, as happen'd to occur or meet together.
b. With prepositions: To meet with, encounter; to happen or light upon; to make resistance against, resist, oppose; to reply to, meet in argument (an adverse statement or contention); to prove adverse to, to stop the way of. Obs.
1527St. Papers Hen. VIII, I. 233 The Frenche King was determyned that I should occurre, encountre, and mete with hym at Amyas.1566Painter Pal. Pleas. I. Ded. 2 Viewing in him great plenty of straung Histories,..I occurred upon some which I deemed most worthy the prouulgation.1588D. Rogers in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. III. 153 How by a league they might..occurre against the daungerous practises of the papistes.1660Pearson No Necess. Ref. Ch. Eng. 7 To leave nothing unanswered.. I shall endeavour to occurre to all Particulars which may seem to inferre the Doubtfulnesse of the Doctrine.1692Bentley Boyle Lect. 117 To this last subterfuge of the mechanical atheists we can occurr several ways.Ibid. 138 Bodies..have..a certain and determinate motion according to..the resistance of the bodies they occurr with.1738Hist. Crt. Excheq. vi. 113 No time occurs to the King.
c. trans. (by ellipsis of prep.: see b.) To meet, encounter; to oppose, resist. Obs. (In quot. 1767 humorously pedantic.)
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 160 b, That the citezens..might occurre their enemies, and releve their frendes.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 1058/1 To occurre all inconueniences whatsoeuer.1652Gaule Magastrom. 146 Fate may..easily be occurred and prevented.1767A. Campbell Lexiph. (ed. 2) 1 Most happily occurred, my very benevolent convivial associate.
2. intr. To present itself; to be met with or found, to ‘turn up’, or appear (in some place, class of things, course of action, etc.).
1538Cromwell Let. to Sir T. Wyatt 22 Feb. (R.), As soon as any opportunity shall occur for the same.1563–7Buchanan Reform. St. Andros Wks. (1892) 8 Other thyngis..to be doin as commodite and tyme occurris.1605Camden Rem. 60 That name doth often occurre in olde evidences.1763Dodsley Leasowes ⁋2 The first object that occurs is a..ruinated wall.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) IV. 470 The variety of cases that may occur in practice.1823H. J. Brooke Introd. Crystallogr. 250 The different classes of primary forms in which irregular secondary forms occur.1851Gosse Nat. in Jamaica 103 About fourteen species have occurred to me.a1864Hawthorne Amer. Note-bks. (1879) I. 131 Marble also occurs here.Mod. The wild tulip is said to occur in chalk-pits.
b. To present itself to thought, come into one's mind. Const. to; in mod. use often with it as subject, referring to a following clause or phrase.
1626Bacon Sylva §401 There doth not occurre to me, at this present, any use thereof, for profit.1711Addison Spect. No. 105 ⁋3 Such Reflexions as occurred to me upon that Subject.1809Malkin Gil Blas v. i. ⁋22 It could not but occur to me that you would be agreeably surprised.1833–6J. Eagles Sketcher (1856) 86 A picture occurs to my recollection.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 5 New ideas occur to him in the act of writing.Mod. It did not occur to me to mention it.
3. To present itself in the course of events; to happen, befall, take place as an event or incident.
1549Compl. Scot. 1 The vniuersal pestilens and mortalite, that hes occurit mercyles amang the pepil.1582Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 4 All variance and discentioun that occurris or may apperandly occure.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 13 It is uncertain, when Such Wonders will occur agen.1835Ure Philos. Manuf. 402 It is almost impossible for an accident to occur.1862Trollope Orley F. xiv. 112 To Mrs. Orme she told all that had occurred.1891W. J. Dawson Redempt. E. Strahan vi. 106 Repentance was not a thing which occurred and was done with.
4. Eccl. (See quot., and cf. concur 2 e.)
1863Neale Ess. Liturgiol. 109 One Festival occurs with another when the two feasts fall on the same day.
Hence occurring |əˈkɜːrɪŋ|, ppl. a. (now rare).
1637Gillespie Eng. Pop. Cerem. i. vii. 23 Fasts which are appointed for ocurring causes.1682T. Flatman Heraclitus Ridens No. 82 (1713) II. 249 To suggest the most occurring and probable Conjectures.
II. occur, occure
see ocker, ochre.




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