

单词 propositionize
释义 propoˈsitionize, v.
[f. as prec. + -ize.]
intr. To make or utter propositions.
1868Bushnell Serm. Living Subj. 74 By much theologizing, propositionizing, schematizing and abstractionizing, we show it builded together for the very ends and uses we have reasoned for it.1878Brain I. 312 Loss of speech is therefore the loss of power to propositionise. It is not only loss of power to propositionise aloud (to talk), but to propositionise either internally or externally.1890Lancet 12 Apr. 787/1 note, To speak is not merely to utter words, but to propositionize.1920Brain XLIII. 119, I believe that under the uncouth word ‘propositionizing’ is included what I understand by ‘symbolic thinking’.1921Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. XI. 185 There are some aspects of the loss of function in aphasia which are not strictly comprised under the heading of ‘propositionising’.1955R. Jakobson in H. Werner On Expressive Lang. 77 The patient fails to operate with contiguity, while operations based on similarity remain intact. Thus he [sc. an aphasic] loses the ability to propositionize.1956― in Jakobson & Halle Fund. Lang. ii. iv. 71 The impairment of the ability to propositionize, or generally speaking, to combine simpler linguistic entities into more complex units, is actually confined to one type of aphasia.




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