

单词 propositus
释义 propositus|prəʊˈpɒzɪtʌs|
Pl. propositi.
[a. L. prōpositus, pa. pple. of prōpōnere (see propone v.).]
An individual who was the first member of a family to come to the notice of a researcher, and through whom investigation of a pedigree began. Cf. proband, proposita.
1926Eugenics Rev. XVIII. 248 ☛ Points to the Propositus or central figure in the pedigree.1939Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. XXX. 9 When propositi are separated into groups of comparable mental grade, defect is seen to be more common among relatives of simpletons than among relatives of idiots.1956Nature 7 Jan. 40/1 The factor was transmitted to them by the paternal grandmother (generation II) of the propositus.1961Lancet 19 Aug. 437/2 We have collected the details of 107 sibships; the propositi attended our clinics.1977Ibid. 3 Sept. 504/1 The propositus (family C) presented with pituitary insufficiency.




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