

单词 opopanax
释义 opopanax|əʊˈpɒpənæks|
Also 5 opopanac, appoponak, 6 oppopanac(k, 6– opoponax, opp-.
[a. L. opopanax (Pliny), a. Gr. ὀπόπαναξ, f. ὀπός juice + πάναξ (also πανακές, neut. of πανακής adj. all-healing: cf. panacea), name of a plant.]
1. A fetid gum-resin obtained from the root of Opopanax Chironium, a yellow flowered umbelliferous plant, resembling a parsnip, a native of Southern Europe; formerly of repute in medicine. Also applied to the juice (English opopanax) obtained from Lovage (Levisticum officinale).
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 60 Opopanac [v.r. Appoponak] ys wondirful, þe leuys of a Gourde, & þe rote of ffynegreke, þe gele of fyssches, & amptes y-stampyde.1563T. Gale Antidot. 31 b, Dissolue the Opopanax and Galbanum, in some part of the wyne.1569R. Androse tr. Alexis' Secr. iv. i. 6 Of Galbanum, of Oppopanack, of ech half an ounce.1616Bullokar Eng. Expos., Opopanax, a sappe or liquor flowing in some hot Countries out of a Plant called Panax. It is brought hither dry, being of a yellow colour on the outside, and white within.1732Arbuthnot Rules of Diet i. 250 The plant from which Apopanax is taken, is a sort of Parsnip.1857Mayne Expos. Lex., Opopanax, English, a common name for the juice yielded by the Ligusticum levisticum, or lovage plant.1876Harley Mat. Med. (ed. 6) 603 Opopanax was formerly imported into this country from Turkey.
2. In Perfumery, applied to a gum-resin obtained from Balsamodendron Kataf.
1867Gardeners' Chron. 29 June 690/1 New Perfumes.—Opoponax.1895E. M. Holmes in Pharm. Jrnl. Ser. iii. XXV. 501 The oil of opopanax of perfumery is obtained from a gum-resin which has a totally different origin, being derived from [Balsamodendron] Commiphora Kataf, Engl. It is the ‘Bissabol’ of Pharmacographia,.. and the perfumed bdellium of Dymock... In appearance it resembles opopanax..but it has a slightly pleasant and quite distinctive odour.1913[see mignonette 1 d].1924Galsworthy White Monkey i. vii. 55 A profiteer who dropped his aitches and reeked of opoponax.
3. Short for opopanax-tree (see 4).
4. attrib. and Comb., as opopanax soap, soap perfumed with opopanax (sense 2); opopanax-tree (Acacia Farnesiana), the Sponge-tree of the Southern United States, West Indies, etc., having fragrant yellow flowers; opopanax wine, wine medicated with opopanax (sense 1).
1540tr. Vigo's Lyt. Pract. A iij, Take Oppoponac wyne.1811Hooper Med. Dict. s.v. Opopanax, The plant from whence the gum is produced is known by the names of..Hercules all heal, and opoponax-wort.1889Boston (Mass.) Jrnl. 30 Nov. 2/3 The opoponax tree is not only a very pleasant but a profitable one to the ladies of Charleston, S.C... The Flowers are made up in tiny button-hole bouquets..to sell.1897Blackw. Mag. Nov. 685/2 Opoponax trees filling the air with the fragrance of their yellow blossoms.1897Ouida Massarenes xviii, She came straight from her bath and its oppoponax soap and eau de verveine.




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