

单词 organization
释义 organization|ˌɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃən, ɔːgənɪˈzeɪʃən|
[ad. med.L. organīzātio, n. of action from organīzāre.]
1. a. The action of organizing, or condition of being organized, as a living being; connexion and co-ordination of parts for vital functions or processes; also, the way in which a living being is organized; the structure of an organized body (animal or plant), or of any part of one; bodily (rarely mental) constitution.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) II. 213 The body of man was..so proporcionate to the sawle that equalite of complexion was in hit, conformite of organizacion.1664Power Exp. Philos. i. 82 The several wayes and Organization of the Body [are] inscrutable.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. xxvii. 179 That being then one Plant, which has such an Organization of Parts in one coherent Body.1706Phillips, Organization, a forming of Organs or Instrumental Parts.1807J. E. Smith Phys. Bot. 7 Their curious crystallization bears some resemblance to organization, but performs none of its functions.1882Vines Sachs' Bot. 904 Only in a few plants of low organisation does a fertile union take place between sister-cells.
b. The fact or process of becoming organized or organic; in Path. conversion into living tissue.
1804Abernethy Surg. Obs. 12 Its [a tumour's] organization depends upon actions begun and existing in itself.1873T. H. Green Introd. Pathol. (ed. 2) 326 A thrombus which is undergoing a process of organization gradually diminishes in size,..and ultimately it becomes converted into a fibro⁓cellular cord.
c. concr. An organized structure, body, or being; an organism.
1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 27 The Contexture of Plants; whose structure is an Organization compos'd of Fibres.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 283 In the worst-formed bodies, and most untoward organizations, there lies an immortal spirit.1860Dickens Uncomm. Trav. vi, I must stuff into my delicate organisation, a currant pin-cushion which I know will swell into immeasurable dimensions when it has got there.1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. II. iii. xxiii. 97 Choice organisations—natures framed to love perfection.
2. a. gen. The action of organizing or putting into systematic form; the arranging and co-ordinating of parts into a systematic whole.
1816J. Scott Vis. Paris (ed. 5) 255 In the organization of forms, Rubens was a most extraordinary being.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. II. 131 To gain strength..by self-dependence and internal organization.1862Helps (title) On Organization in Daily Life.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 364 The organisation of a service of transport was then proceeded with.
b. The condition of being organized; the mode in which something is organized; co-ordination of parts or elements in an organic whole; systematic arrangement for a definite purpose.
1790Burke Fr. Rev. 30 They acted by the ancient organized states in the shape of their old organization and not by the organic moleculæ of a disbanded people.1832tr. Sismondi's Ital. Rep. xi. 240 The Turks arrived in Europe with an organization wholly military.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. vi. II. 129 Compensated by a great superiority of intelligence, vigour, and organization.1875Jevons Money (1878) 257 The organization of the Clearing House will be described in the next chapter.
c. concr. An organized body, system, or society. Esp. as social organization in Sociol. and Anthropol.
1829J. S. Mill Let. 7 Nov. in Wks. (1963) XII. 40 Several great steps should be taken in the improvement of the social organisation.1865Auguste Comte 88 In constructing..a theory of society, all the different aspects of the social organization must be taken into consideration at once.1873H. Spencer Study Sociol. vii. 175 Sentiments and beliefs in..harmony with the social organization in which they are incorporated.1880McCarthy Own Times IV. liv. 169 This vast organisation had apparently sprung out of the ground.1882L. Stephen Sci. of Ethics iii. 109 This vast social organization is the work of a vast series of generations unconsciously fashioning the order which they transmit to their descendants.1894Durh. Univ. Jrnl. 15 Dec. 104 We now have in the University..somewhere about fifty-three different ‘Organizations’, athletic, intellectual, literary, social, and religious.1914W. H. Rivers Kinship & Social Organisation 1 The aim of these lectures is to demonstrate the close connection which exists between methods of denoting relationship or kinship and forms of social organisation.1937R. H. Lowie Hist. Ethnol. Theory xii. 225 Most important of all..is Radcliffe-Brown's contribution to Australian social organization.1944Mind LIII. 352 Social organisation should be designed to encourage change in desirable directions.1951E. E. Evans-Pritchard Social Anthropol. i. 12 The social organization of the Yao of southern Nyasaland.1952Gerth & Martindale tr. Weber's Anc. Judaism i. i. 15 In Israelite antiquity, social organization is usually articulated in terms of father houses.1967M. Argyle Psychol. Interpersonal Behaviour iv. 73 A great deal of social behaviour takes place against a background of social organization—in families, industry, hospitals, and elsewhere. ‘Social organization’ means the existence of a series of ranks, positions or offices—such as father, foreman, hospital sister, etc. which persist regardless of particular occupants.1974R. J. Smith (title) Social organization and the applications of anthropology.
d. Phr. organization and methods (see quot. 1968).
1959Listener 10 Dec. 1020/1 Organization and Methods may indeed prove that the central principles of local government are irrational.1963Ibid. 28 Feb. 389/2 The Old English state was a ramshackle..affair, lying in 1066 wide open to a take-over bid from William the Conqueror and certain to benefit both spiritually and materially from the brisk and ruthless operations of his Organization-and-Methods men.1968Johannsen & Robertson Managem. Gloss. 97 Organisation and Methods (O & M), 1. An advisory service for management specifically designed to assist in obtaining maximum efficiency and accuracy in organisation and procedures. 2. The application of work study and other management techniques to administration procedures and systems within a company.1969J. Argenti Managem. Techniques 189 Organisation and Methods is a group of techniques rather similar to Work Study but applied usually to office work.1971K. Gottschalk in B. de Ferranti Living with Computer v. 46 Groups concerned with efficiency in the office are sometimes called organization and methods (O & M) groups.
3. Mediæval Mus. The singing of the organum.
1782Burney Hist. Mus. II. ii. 135 There can be no doubt but that some instrument had been used in the singing schools to teach this organization.1880W. S. Rockstro in Grove's Dict. Mus. II. 609 Hucbaldus,..who died..in the year 930,..prefers no claim to be regarded as the orginator of the new method of Singing, but speaks of it as a practice ‘which they commonly call organization’.
4. Special comb.: organization centre Embryol. [tr. G. organisationszentrum (H. Spemann 1921, in Arch. f. Entwicklungsmech. d. Organismen XLVIII. 568)], a region of an embryo that acts as an inductor (inductor 5); organization chart, a graphic representation of the structure of an organization showing the relationships of the positions or jobs within it; organization man orig. U.S., a man who subordinates his individuality and his personal life to the organization he serves.
[1927H. Spemann in Proc. R. Soc. B. CII. 180 The region of the early gastrula where these organizers lie may be called for the present a ‘centre of organization’.]1928Biol. Abstr. II. 1320/2 Experiments..confirm the assumption that the organization centers are localized in the 2 cell stage.1935Discovery May 136/2 If..an organisation centre is grafted out of its usual place..it will cause these new surroundings to develop into a complete embryo or complete organ.1956C. H. Waddington Princ. Embryol. x. 177 The extent of the organisation centre was examined by inserting small fragments of one gastrula into the blastocoel cavity of another.
1941P. E. Holden et al. Top-Managem. Organization 5 A good organization chart for the company as a whole, with auxiliary charts for each major division, is an essential first step in the analysis, clarification, and understanding of any organization plan.1958L. A. Allen Managem. & Organization iii. xiii. 289 The organization chart is a graphic means of showing organization data.1967Harper's Mag. Jan. 38 (title) How to Read an Organization Chart for Fun and Survival.1970Time 10 Aug. 8 According to the tidy White House organization charts, the key influence on presidential decisions in all but foreign affairs ought to be the Domestic Affairs Council, headed by John Ehrlichman.
1956W. H. Whyte (title) The organisation man.1958J. K. Galbraith Affluent Society xviii. 208 Our liberties are now menaced by the conformity exacted by the large corporation and its impulse to create..the organization man.1958A. Huxley Let. 16 Feb. (1969) 847 It justifies the Organization Men and the dictators in satisfying their urge for tidiness.1958Economist 4 Oct. 27/1 Are we gradually getting our equivalents of the ‘organisation man’, smooth, able, well-adjusted, unexceptionable—and unexceptional?1960Koestler Lotus & Robot 277, I loathe crooners and swooners..the Organization Man and the Reader's Digest.1966N. Freeling King of Rainy Country 27 Canisius is just an accountant, an organisation man. A nobody.1972‘J. Quartermain’ Rock of Diamond xiii. 74 He's expendable, an organisation man and a useful commodity in America.
Hence organiˈzationist, one who advocates or practises organization in any department.
1881Temperance Record 14 July 433/1 It may be desirable to consider..whether some organisational change could not with advantage be made.1885Pall Mall G. 29 May 3/1 Two of the largest cities in the States advertised for a skilled ‘charity organizationist’.1895Westm. Gaz. 23 Sept. 3/3 A convinced Charity Organisationist.




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