

单词 orthoepist
释义 orthoepist, n. (and a.)|ˈɔːθəʊiːpɪst, ɔːˈθəʊɪpɪst|
[f. orthoepy + -ist.]
One versed in orthoepy; one who treats of the pronunciation of words. Used esp. of those 16th- and 17th-century writers whose aim was to describe a ‘correct’ pronunciation of English, to reform the spelling system to make it reflect such a pronunciation more accurately, etc. Also attrib. or as adj.
1791J. Walker Crit. Pronouncing Dict. s.v., Orthoepist,..one who is skilled in Orthöepy.1796S. Jones (title) Sheridan Improved. A general pronouncing and explanatory Dictionary of the English Language:..the discordances of that celebrated orthoepist being avoided, and his improprieties corrected.1861Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. VIII. 376 A great disagreement prevails among the orthoëpists and grammarians on the subject of syllabification.1882[see orthographist].1909O. Jespersen Mod. Eng. Gram. i. ix. 248 Up to quite recent times, most orthoepists have disregarded natural pronunciation.1917J. M. Clark Vocab. Anglo-Irish 18 It is a well-known fact that in Tudor English a much more open ŏ was pronounced than is the case today. Apart from the testimony of orthoepists, the proof is to be found in contemporary American and Irish usage.1920H. C. Wyld Hist. Mod. Colloq. Eng. iv. 115 Hitherto writers upon the history of Modern English have relied mainly upon the Orthoepists.1927R. E. Zachrisson Eng. Pronunc. at Shakespeare's Time p. x, The old-fashioned types of pronunciation were, as a rule, taught by English orthoepists.1957E. J. Dobson Eng. Pronunc. 1500–1700 I. ii. 193 The tendency to regard the spelling reformers as primarily interested in teaching ‘correct pronunciation’..may be due to the difficulty of finding a term to cover all the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century writers on pronunciation; ‘grammarians’ is clearly inexact except in a few cases, and so the term ‘orthoepists’ has been widely accepted.1969A. C. Partridge Tudor to Augustan English viii. 173 On their own admission, orthoepists were students of language who sought to establish the principles of correctness in speech.1972M. L. Samuels Linguistic Evol. vii. 144 For Early Modern English, there is much orthoepist, phonetic and other evidence.1975Language LI. 747 It would be of great value if a presumably accurate report of upper-class speech of the period [sc. Early Modern English] could be carefully analysed and related to witnesses such as Hunt and the other orthoepists.
Hence orthoeˈpistic a., pertaining to or characteristic of orthoepists; orthoeˈpistical a.
1867A. J. Ellis E.E. Pronunc. i. 223 Attempting to shew that formerly h was not pronounced in English, and that it was altogether an orthoepistic fancy to pronounce it.1913R. E. Zachrisson Pronunc. Eng. Vowels 1400–1700 3 Statements in early grammars and spelling-books (= the orthoepistical evidence).1957E. J. Dobson Eng. Pronunc. 1500–1700 I. i. 36 There is no other orthoepistical evidence for this pronunciation.1972Eng. Studies LIII. 506 This type of pronunciation was vulgar or dialectal..but at least in some words it must have infiltrated educated speech, as is shown by its frequent occurrence in orthoepistic works.1972P. M. Wolfe Linguistic Change iii. 31, I have in general limited myself to English orthoepistical works.




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