

单词 ostensive
释义 ostensive, a.|ɒˈstɛnsɪv|
[ad. late L. ostensīv-us (‘syllogismus ostensivus’ Boeth. Aristot. Anal.), f. ostens- (see ostensible): see -ive; in F. ostensif, -ive (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. a. Manifestly or directly demonstrative; spec. in Logic, Setting forth a general principle manifestly including the proposition to be proved.
ostensive reduction, reduction by the direct processes of conversion, permutation, and transposition, as opposed to indirect reduction, e.g. per impossibile.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. xiv. §3 The Proposition..reduced to the Principle..they terme a Probation Ostensiue.1614Jackson Creed iii. ix. §1 It hath beene manifested..by ostensiue proofe from Scriptures.1697tr. Burgersdicius his Logic ii. ix. 42 Reduction is either ostensive or else by way of impossible.1711Brit. Apollo IV. No. 8. 1/2 We cannot give an Ostensive Demonstration of this.1836Sir W. Hamilton Discuss. (1852) 305 The two species of Mathematics—the Geometric or Ostensive, and the Algebraic or Symbolical.1870Jevons Elem. Logic xvii. 150 The simpler process of direct or as it is often called ostensive reduction.
b. Professedly demonstrative; specious.
1844Blackw. Mag. LV. 238 No proof..can be so showy and ostensive to a stranger, as that which is supplied by this vindictive pamphlet.
2. a. ‘Showing, betokening’ (J.); declarative.
1755in Johnson.1877E. Caird Philos. Kant ii. xix. 661 The ideas of reason are heuristic, not ostensive, they enable us to ask a question, not to give the answer.
b. ostensive definition (Philos.), the explanation of a word by pointing at or otherwise indicating, or by presenting, one or more objects to which it applies.
1921W. E. Johnson Logic I. vi. 94 We may now introduce the technical term ‘ostensive’ which will suggest as its opposite the familiar term ‘intensive’... Imposing a name in the act of indicating, presenting or introducing the object to which the name is to apply,..this it is that constitutes ostensive definition.1940A. J. Ayer Found. Empirical Knowl. ii. 88 This is effected by the method of ostensive definition.1950R. Robinson Definition ii. 15 ‘Ostensive definition’ is the name of a method, the method that makes use of pointing or physical introduction.1953I. M. Copi Introd. Logic iv. 108 An ostensive definition refers to the examples by means of pointing or some other gesture.1960K. Amis New Maps of Hell (1961) i. 21 One might under adverse conditions learn a human language, by ostensive definition and the like.1968J. Lyons Introd. Theoret. Linguistics ix. 409 Ostensive definition, of itself, is never sufficient.
3. = ostensible a. 3.
1782F. Burney Cecilia ix. xi, I have always observed, that where one scheme answers two purposes, the ostensive is never the purpose most at heart.1815Zeluca II. 251 She was aware of a motive to the visit, in addition to the ostensive one.1830W. Phillips Mt. Sinai iii. 413 Else, wherefore thus, No cause ostensive..Desert the people?
Hence oˈstensively adv. [cf. late L. ‘per impossibile, et ostensive’, Boeth.], in an ostensive manner; (a) demonstratively, directly; (b) avowedly, professedly, ostensibly; (c) by pointing, gesture, or presentation; oˈstensiveness, the state or quality of being ostensive.
a1774Lloyd Fam. Ep. to Friend Poems (1790) 275 Affecting cynical grimace..In rags and tatters, strole the street; Ostensively exceeding wise.1782Hist. Eur. in Ann. Reg. 240*/2 The enemy rested all their hopes now, at least ostensively, on the defeat of Lord Howe's fleet.1847De Quincey Protestantism Wks. 1858 VIII. 108 A postulate of the human reason,..not proved ostensively, but indirectly proved as being..presupposed in other necessities.1921W. E. Johnson Logic I. vi. 94 A simple adjective-name—such as red—cannot be defined analytically but only ostensively.1933Mind LXII. 190 (heading) Tests for ostensiveness.1948B. Russell Human Knowl. 83 Most children learn the word ‘dog’ ostensively.1953W. V. Quine From Logical Point of View iv. 78 Once a fund of ostensively acquired terms is at hand there is no difficulty in explaining additional terms discursively.1971T. F. Mitchell in Archivum Linguisticum II. 40 Ostensive meaning. ‘Specification’ as a category of linguistic experience may encompass such varied grammatical classes as articles, ordinal numerals, and deictics... It is perhaps particularly to the area of deixis that ‘ostensiveness’ belongs.




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